So right off my little studio I have a unused, none functioning Bathroom. I know it is crazy that a family of four only wants or needs one bathroom. Well maybe there are times when we need a second one but when it was working no one used the silly thing. Too many spider webs and camel-back crickets for any one but me to use. Well first the shower broke and then the toilet started leaking like mad so I let Modern June take over.

So for todays studio redo I am going to show you my new ironing station that I created out of some repurposed items just hanging around, literally hanging around.

I then found my self wandering the halls of Target later that day looking for something in the bathroom accessories isle (more on that tomorrow) and I saw this cool hanging shower rack you know the kind they hang from the shower head, I did not buy it but wanted to. Didn't know why I wanted it but I sure did.
So home I go and I see my own unused shower rack hanging in the broken shower. HMMM... I grabbed some cable ties and hung that bad boy up. Then I arranged my new spray starch, air fresher and hunted down my water spray bottle to get it all in one place. When in use the ironing board gets set up right there too. Everything I need to iron all day. And no more lost water bottle for me!

Then I added a big fancy hook that is in tool caddy just begging to be used. Perfect for my sleeve iron. I never knew what to do with great thing.
Once I got all this done and I took some pictures and noticed how gross my ironing board cover is looking. They don't last long enough for me to buy them I just pin on a fun piece of cheap fabric. This is fabric from my best neighbor friend Janet. Janet was this from Jacks house or from your attic? I added this plate under the iron hoping I will be able to keep the new cover nice longer, the iron leaks when too full. I refuse to by a new one just because of a little leak!

I also want my wonderful things around me like vintage aprons and the kids art work. These are left over from the bathroom days of old. That was a fun day making those!

I think it might enjoy me some ironing soon!
Come back I have a long way to go on this sewing studio Make over! Please share your inspiration with me and the other groovy readers by leaving me a comment and a link to what gets you motivated to make all good!

Update I added a two 3m hooks so I could have snips and a ruler at easy access.
Check out Monica's Ironing Center, it puts mine to shame! That is the sad thing about NO COST remolding is is just not ever perfect! Monica's not that if Perfection! Thanks for sharing!

Oh my dear lord, my day just keeps getting better everytime I read your blog! Kelly! I simply, positively love it! Talk about making Lemon Pie out of lemons! This is simply a yummy room and good work on the safety screen and useless bathroom!
you too sweet!
I won't show the the other side of the room, well not yet at least!
I agree with Suzanne. This is just what I need to read right now. It is so nice to see I'm not the only one who lets my work space get out of control. Now I have the inspiration to change it. I will take a before picture and then start making some changes.
Rocker girrrl I will be reading!
When I first discovered craft blogs I stumbled upon a really real woman that showed us what she spent the day making and then what the kitchen looked like.
LOL I loved it! We can show all the pretty stuff but we all know what is in the other room!
I am now inspired Kelly...I wish I had an extra bathroom to turn into a perm spot for ironing...I have to go get organised now...
Don't be scared but I'm pretty sure that you are my new best friend now.
Love the new space!
Not sure about the material. May have been one of the pieces from Recess.
I have that exact photo of the "great craft room" pinned on my board. I have been wanting to redecorate and turn my little crafting space into that. thank you for visiting my blog by the way and I am happy that you were inspired.
You flatter me so Kelly! Thank you... but I'm so not worthy. What you don't see are the other three sides of my studio!
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