Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Blog Post number 300

CIMG4859.JPG, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

Wow, how cool is this, 300 blog posts! Wahoo! I feel a little Modern June Freebie coming on! Leave me a love note and enter to win a free Diner apron! You have from now till Saturday to leave a comment. I will have the kids pull a name out of the hat again!

Speaking of which Silvia did you get my email?

Sending you all as much bloggy luv as you can stand!


Laura Hennessee said...

Congratulations on 300! What a gorgeous apron!

Samantha said...

Congrats on 300! I'm enjoying your makover posts. I love that you are making over a smaller space. Not everyone has a fabulous studio space with an unlimited budget. It's nice to see your creativity!

sam said...

Congratulations on 300!!

Home ec new Haven said...

I'm enjoying your makeover! I agree with Samantha it's so much nicer to see what comes from being creative.
Congrats on 300:)

Jamie Lynn said...

Congrats! Here's to another 300 and beyond! CUTE apron :)

Mavis said...

count me in baby. when i'm not horribly pregnant, i'm sure that will look great on me. :)

Kelly McCants said...

thanks everyone! you all are so sweet!

diana said...

Congrats!!! on 300!!! I am enjoying the organizational reading and getting some ideas!! I do like using what I have before I go and buy. Rock on with the crafty goodness!!!!

Cindy said...

Congratulations on your 300th post. I just found your blog, so that means I have 300 posts to browse. And, do you know how much I love aprons?????

Unknown said...

congrats on making 300! i love your aprons. your posts are so inspiring!

Jen said...

Congratulations! I'd love to get a chance to win that pretty apron. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful apron~! My daughter has been begging me to make her one...maybe I'll giver her yours instead! ;)

Kiera said...

Wow, that is so lovely.
Congratulations on 300 posts :-)

Even if I don't win, I'm definitely snaffling up one of your lovely aprons!!

Silvia said...

Oh dear. And I missed a chance to win again! I'm going to have to subscribe to your feed. I _love_ all your makeover posts! And did you see the little award I have waiting for you at my blog? ;)