I love this fabric

I love this movie
The movie and the fabric go together, more details to come soon. Who knows the name Paramour might fit into my little project too.
The movie and the fabric go together, more details to come soon. Who knows the name Paramour might fit into my little project too.

I love this band. Paramour
Oh MY, gone are the days when all my hair was red, and without the any grey -- when I was in a band and wore crazy tights and mini skirts. When I grow young again, I want to be this chick. I may be 40 very soon, but that does not mean I have to stop rocking out.
I bet the phrase is dated.
DAMN I feel just a little bit old.
I love that fabric too, is it Alexander Henry?
For what it's worth...turning 30 was harder than turning 40 was. I'm 42 now and it's not so bad on this side.
(my 2 teen daughters would die of embarrassment if I said that out loud)
HI Carol... your package went out yesterday, all 10.5 pounds!
For me 30 was no big deal I was a new mom with a colicky 2 month old. I had no time to think about age. The funny thing about 40 is that it is just hitting me all of a sudden. I have been excited and proud until this week. My Mom has been a bit of a brat about this maybe that is the difference, that and winter.
I say embarrass those girls and rock on!
: )
40??? You are just a baby. Many years ago my wonderful Mom told me age was only a number. Other often used expressions include: You are only as old as you feel and The alternative isn't very good. All said and done I don't feel that you could easily be my youngest daughter and you know that is so very true. The only time my age even hit me was when I turned 55 and realized that I probably at lived at least 1/2 of my life span. But so what!! Life is too short no matter how long or short it is to worry about age.
By the way the fabric is awsome.
Pictures. We want pictures.
I have that same fabric...need more? It's yours. Seriously, we must be on the same wavelength or something...ME-docs, fishnets, thigh-highs...40 is great...41, meh.
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