Step one: Gather materials
-1/2 bias tape
-pinking shears
-scrap fabric (this pile is what is left over from the Modern June Christmas Aprons

Step Two: make a pattern
To start making your pattern draw a 12 inch line with chalk then add a small perpendicular line at the end the 12 inches.
This is just what worked for me, feel free to change the size of your pendent all you want!

Step Three: Finish up pattern
Next draw two marks, 4 inches on either side of the center line. Then take your ruler and create your diagonal line. Mark with chalk.

Step five: cut cut cut
Now take this pattern and cut as many as you think you' ll need. Mine are all a bit different in size I eyeballed most of them for kicks!

Once you have your banner pieces all cut out it off to the sewing machine!

Step Five: construction
Sandwich your banner piece into the 1/2 bias tape. Then edge stitch.

Step Six: Spacing
I used the card from the bias tape packaging as a guide to space my pendent evenly! I would make this a bit less next time. For me I think it is spaced to wide. I had to do a bit of pinning for my "valance"

Looking good!

Step Seven: hang and enjoy!
just wanted to say that YOU ROCK!!!
i was just over at the Apronista's sight and what did I see but a lovly Modern June to die for apron combo!!! so very cool!! Have a Happy Day!!!
I loved some of the fabrics on your garland. I want to get some for a simple Christmas tree skirt. Did you get it locally in Richmond?
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