And the Apron goes to.... Tank girl 52!

But wait I have a surprise! Aidan had a bright idea, since there are two kids to pick names then there ought to be two gifts. So with out further ado, I would like Silvia to know that she is the proud new owner of this Santa Baby Stocking.

Thanks to everyone that played along in my fun! I tell ya I felt a little like Oprah! Just a little, I mean it wasn't the rush of giving away 300 cars but it is fun! Happy Turkey Day week!

I might have to do this some more! Stay tuned!
Yeah! Thank you--that stocking is very cool. And I think chicken prints would be neat, hint, hint. :)
OMG I won!! LOL! I am so excited..I'll be the belle of the christmas prep this year heehe! THANK YOU VERY MUCH :)..xoxo K
(and the new apron is so chic btw .. I wish I had that talent)
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