Friday, February 22, 2008

Spring Flower Apron

spring flowers 1, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

Yesterday I had to take a creative break and make something that I didn't have to make. Something new and exciting, something fresh. A few weeks ago I was at my local Joanne's and I saw this fabric across the store. It was a total impulse purchase, it called out to me, BUY ME! So I obeyed. I had no idea what I would do with it or if I would ever do anything with it. I haven't done a gathered apron yet, gathers are not my favorite thing to do but it needed to be. I have left the center front of the apron smooth so it will flatter the body. It is just a happy little apron!


Anonymous said...

this is so great. what great fabric, and i'm impressed that you've actually done something with your impulse buy. i have lots of impulse buys just sitting pretty!

Kelly McCants said...

mystele, I know what you mean I am shocked that I used it too! I have so much that never gets made into anything.

BTW I love the banner triangle swap idea! if you all do it again let me know I would love to play too.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful. Did you ever think of making skirts as well as aprons? I would buy one in a heartbeat. :) Anya

Kelly McCants said...

It wants to be a skirt doesn't it? I know I want one too! I wish I had the time to makes skirts too. I will try! stay tuned.

suzanne l. vinson said...

oh, kelly! I LOVE this one! you rock!


Unknown said...

oh my gosh! i love that apron.

Home ec new Haven said...

What a productive week! Everything you touch turns out beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

It's lovely Kelly! So vintage and style-ish looking. I wonder if Tie-one-On will have a spring flowers theme so you can submit it.

Stephanie said...

Soooo cute. I wish I were in the area for your rockin' craft show in Richmond. Too bad we are separated by a few time zones :)