Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"It's my birthday....

and I am gonna party like its my birthday."

Lordy, lordy today I am bleeping 40. So I am going to be silly ( I know nothing new, right?) and pretend that I can pick out anything I want from the Crate and Barrel Everyday catalogue. A pretend shopping spree, like I used to do when the JC Penny catalogue came in the Summer time. I used to circle each piece of my new school wardrobe -- every page had a cute outfit. I'm sure I would have cut out each outfit and made a look book had my Mother not had a fit.

So here is my very grown up Crate and Barrel Wish list!

I love this lamp! My kids call this color Mommy green!
This sofa is OMG good! I would not let the kids eat in the living room ever again! OH, I want this so bad!
I have no place for this in my small scale 1927 home but it is really nice! I would be fab pushed up behind the sofa, right?

And here are some random things I would just love to have! Just cuz! It is still fun to have pretend shopping sprees!

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The family finally wakes so I am off to be pampered like a queen. LOL!!! We have a fun day loosely planned Don has the day off so it is sure to be fun! Have a happy one! love, Kelly


diana said...

Happy Birthday!!! I still get week in the knees at the sight of Bono!!
I suddenly feel like Voxing around the house!!

diana said...

and apparently I can not spell to save my life. week/weak

Kelly McCants said...

I didn't even notice the misspeeeling! hee hee hee! you have read my blog long enough to know I have atrocious spelling. And I home school? scary!

Christi said...

HAPPY 40th!!! I will catch ya later. Love you!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Today is Clair-Bear's birthday too. Saw Donny-O and Aidan at the library Sat. night. Obviously you lead nearly as exciting a life as we do.

Hope to see you soon,

Dawn Anderson said...

Freakin' Fabulous Forty! Happy Birthday babe!

Donna said...

Happy Happy Birthday!

I really quite enjoyed turning 40, I hope it's a fabulous year for you. And I love those colored bowls, I think I might bake every day if I had them.

Anonymous said...


Not so bad now was it?

Love ya.


suzanne l. vinson said...

happy, happy birthday! EnjOY!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, February Sister! I went out and bought all kinds of cute clothes for me in honor of your birthday! :o) So, I figured next week you can do the same for me!

Beth Allums said...

Have birthday bee-atch! When we getting tatoos?
Big hugs,
much love,
you're my favorite!

Home ec new Haven said...

Happy Birthday Kelly!!
I hope you enjoyed your day and welcome to the "other" side...it's not so bad being 40 :)

Kacey said...

Happy Birthday! I do the same thing with that catalog. I still keep an online wish list hoping some day someone will buy me something from it.