The craft cabinet is sweet isn't it? Our home was built in 1927. This cabinet is the sole survior of the orginal kitchen wall cabinets. A dear friend of mine, Denise and I took it from its orignal home in the kitchen. Our kids were so young then, back when TV was REALLY special. We let them watch Totoro or something and went to work. It now resides in my dining room above my computer. (one day I hope that my dining room is just for dining ; ), not a school room, office and craft area, oh yeah and we eat there too).
Here it is all clean and spiffied up. I love it! Now if I could have a whole room like this!

1 comment:
Dear Modern June:
Fiftieth Wedding Anniversaries MUST be attended. This is a new rule. *giggles* If any of these occur in your family or among your friends, pack up the kids, drive to Utah if you must, but for goodness sakes pay homage to the people who hung in there for 50 years!!!
Mon Dieu! What an impression to make on our children, huh?
June, dear, did you keep the topper from your wedding cake, too? Have you heard of the custom of saving the topper in the freezer until the first anniversary?
Double-tiered anniversary cakes are romantic. We enjoyed a Christmas themed 50th anniversary cake on December 22nd this year. It was smaller and probably not as delicious as your cake, June. The roses were deep red florist flowers. I saw that the topper did go home with the celebrating couple.
Most Sincerely,
Miss Dillon
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