Kai loves to paint and this large splat mat is perfect for under wherever she is painting.Christine from Dates to diapers and beyond had this to say....
Modern June has a selection of chic splat mats made of oilcloth. These mats clean up easily and will last throughout the years. There are a variety of patterns and designs from which you can choose, and they are pretty enough to leave on the table after the messy painting projects are hanging to dry.Amanda from Mommy Mandy made me smile when she said the following!
This is a woman that knows messy backward and forwards. She is a mom of 6 children under the age of 7! OH Yeah, from time to time that has got to be messy.
I can not even begin to tell you how many times we have used it, for art projects and every day messy eating. I love that it is so easy to clean and it is large enough to cover the surface under the girls table and chair set.Shanda from the ever fabulous Parents with style blog made my day when she said...
One of the most helpful products we use in our house everyday...is a SPLAT MAT from MODERN JUNE! LOVE IT!...You could give one of these to a child for their first birthday and know the parents will thank youI can't thank these five fabulous women enough! This truly makes all the hard work worth it!
xoxox, Kelly
I'm not going to enter the contest as I already have some cupcake aprons, but I just wanted to say --
My 16mo daughter really loves her little MJ apron! I was making muffins earlier today, and she ran over to where it was hanging and demanded I put it on her so she could help. It makes for some great photo ops, but I love how she already associates the aprons with kitchen fun.
Hi, thank you so very much for letting me know! This kind of comment makes me keep on keepen on! I am sure she is to cute, I am so happy that she loves it.
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