Look what I scored this weekend! RICK RACK and lots and lots of it!! Thanks to my friend Suzanne of Silver Tree Art I was able to get all this for $50.00. We are talking 800 yards of the fabulous stuff. Now that was a serious score! I bought it all at a scrap book store that closed this past weekend. I am bummed by how I got my loot, my heart was really hurting for the owner that was saying goodbye to her business and all her customers. That is a real drag.

I can not tell you how many splat mats have gone out lately, it is incredible. It is the year of the splat mat here at Modern June. This is my second wholesale order this month that had just Deluxe Mats, with two more shops also considering carrying them!
I have been able to make some really fun combinations, thanks to the creativity of the shop owners. They are coming up with some great products! I really like the custom aspect of my business, it allows people to influence my work in such wonderful ways, it makes me feel less lonely working in the studio alone.
I also sent off a Splat Mat to a National Pregnancy and Baby Magazine for consideration for their Editorial Picks. I was honored just to be asked, we will see if it makes the September issue later! Meanwhile I have my fingers crossed.

I also made these super cool Banners out of oilcloth. I am going to call them The Mexican Madness Banner. I am so in love with them, I did not want to pack these four fabulous lovelies in to the box, I wanted to keep them for my very own. I have to make mine soon! I will also be listing them on ye ol' Etsy site later this week. This order of four 18' long banners are for an adorable lady, Courtney! She runs Sweet Lucindas. The banners will decorate her courtyard behind her shop where she holds cupcake parties. THAT is so cool, don't we all want to go? Her cupcakes are so cool that Martha recently picked out 8 of her entries during the cupcake contest. That equals rock star status!

To finish off this long weekend of productivity I had to clean up my studio! What a disaster! When I took the photo with the banners I really saw the room and it's mess from a new perspective. I bet that mess has a bit to do with my burn-out last week, I hadn't given it the once over since the show chaos. Who can work in that mess? Sometimes I forget that a clean studio= happy worker!
The best part is that I can use the Treadmill, my bottom is suffering from lack of it's use. If I don't use it consistently for the next month, I vow to sell it. I could use the room for something really useful.
Have a great week!
Thanks, Kelly, for the thanks. When I went by today to pick up some goodies from Robin she was certainly in the midst of saying goodbye to the shop. It's the only scrapbooking store I've frequented, and b/c of her. Let's wish her the best to hopefully start using her business & fab skills again soon. She was glad that so much would be used in other businesses. (still sad, but helped a little) We spoke of you coming in yesterday, too!
I was so sad for her! I can't imagine saying goodbye to June! She has my good thoughts!
Oh, I thought that black stand up thing was a clothes rack - tee hee.
It looks great! Amazing how a little getting things straight makes everything better. Congrats also on your super find.
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