I love this time of the morning. I try to get up super early I need at least 1 hour alone to really be sane. Two hours is optimal but that is hardly ever realistic.

Well the last 9 days has been crazy. Crazy good and just plain old crazy!
The ice cream party that was last Friday was a success. Oh what stress that was. The night before I got 2 hours sleep. I need a root canal. Yep, at 3:00am there I was in shocking pain! I was mortified. What was I going to do? How could I make it through the day? But I made it with the help of a LOT of advil!
With Advil, decorations and loads of ice cream toppings I make my way to the hotel. First I was shown this room, YIKES. Those are some super ugly tablecloths. I was in such shock I couldn't even ask to have them changed. I was then informed that the ceiling is damaged in the other room where the talent show was to happen. NO way! It turns out that the room AC was not working. But no one told me this. The woman did not seem to think I needed to know that bit of information. But I took the high road and thought what can I do. I mean I can't fix air conditioning. I can't make this room comfortable for 200 in less than 7 hours.
So I went off to the "ice cream" room and worked some magic. I was able to get white tablecloths. That made the biggest difference. I also dimmed the lights so I didn't have to see the stains on the carpet.

But never fear the wonderful workman came through! I even start thinking "next year I will do....". How quickly I can forget and forgive.

By 7 the place is wonderful! We have air. I have my great friends ready to help. Lynn, Kirstin, Heidi and Tracy were in the ice cream room scooping away! What do you think of the cute aprons that I made! I really thought they were fun. They got to take them home with them, the least I could do to thank them!

And then there is sweet and wonderful Kimmy! My friend that got me through it all. I was able to grip and complain and pass off work to. I could not have done it with out her. What did I do last year, I am crazy!
But don't think the "fun" stopped there. Nope with a now throbbing tooth I go and meet everyone at the Barnes and Noble. Yup Harry Potter. I have to admit I am a HP geek! I am really glad I went even with my tooth aching and my extreme lack of sleep. Don and the kids stayed until 11:30. He said that they were unable to finish the treasure hunt because of the people that were lined up through out the store. The line snaked around every isle. Kimmy works in the Cafe there part time, she said that they were open until 1:30 am that is when the last person in line bought their HP book. That is some kind of crazy! Kimmy said that the Manager spent the night in the store after cleaning up all the decorations. They opened back up at 5:00 am. They sold out of all the HP 7 by lunch that Saturday. Here are some picture of the fun!

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