Thursday, January 14, 2010

Studio Spruce Up

I spent the afternoon finishing up the Ikea rail system and added a cabinet under the cutting table!  I just love how small changes make such big differences. Getting my tools up on the wall gave me an extra 10-12 inches of workable table space.  This is great when cutting Oilcloth Addict yardage and Modern June Tablecloths, every inch counts.  The cabinet is a sanity saver, the cutting table is one of those fold up cheap-O's from Joann's and that thing used to wiggle and jiggle until I was in fits!  After propping the table up on some tin loaf pans it is good and sturdy.  The extra storage, isn't bad either!

I didn't have the cash flow to get all the special shelves and cups that goes with the Grundtal System so I had to improvise. I found the super cheap measuring cups for $1.99 instead of their cups for $5.99.  Not a bad trade off, my version is fun and functional.

I must admit, this didn't work out so well.  This morning in a act of desperation I snipped some of the mesh out of this Target bin so I could get the S hooks to through.  I hate the way it hangs, but it will be fine until my next pilgrimage to Ikea, when I buy a proper shelf for my pens and pins.


Lisa Holman of XSBaggage and Co. said...

Wow, so organized. I love it!

Kyle said...

I have the same system. I took some cheap plastic cups 9probable from target) and drilled holes through them. I have my pens in them.

Kelly McCants said...

Thanks Lisa!

April you are so smart! I just saw someone do that for peg board and I didn't even think about it for the rails. Target here I come...