But it wasn't all hard work, we played hard to0. On the Fourth we went to a party where kids of all ages shoot off fireworks for hours and we got some good grown up time too. The next day we enjoyed a locavore meal and bon fire at our BBFF's country home. What made this evening so incredible was the weather, misty and cold, we were all wearing jackets if you can believe it.

Well after a few more days of intense application work, the kids and I had a fun day out. We rounded up a some friends and hit the Movie Land for a free showing of Surf's Up. Afterwards we headed over to the gardens of Maymont. I have a little tip for you, do not wear your super cute red patent leather sling-back platforms to the gardens. Let's just it isn't a pretty sight when you fall into a stream near the waterfall. Not pretty at all! I'm just saying! : )
I then got to end my day with crafty girl date! Deanna, Dawn, Ono, Erin and I met for dinner down town. Popkins Tavern makes a mean hamburger! It was great to catch up with everyone, we laughed out crafty butts off! Me thinks that needs to be a monthly gathering!
Well, I can honestly say that I am exhausted! My goal for the day is to stay in my jammies as long as I possibly can! Wish me luck!
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