Thursday, January 13, 2011


Baltimore Print Studios
I've been a little funky lately. I don't have a strategic plan for 2011, and what's worse is that I don't even want to do anything. (Even if I did buy the poster!

I've been thinking that I lack inspiration. Then yesterday, a friend mentioned that her father lacked ambition, and I realized that felt the same way. I told my husband this at bed time, and he said that I lacked motivation, that I was suffering from long term burn out. Whatever you want to call it, I must say I hate it. I don't do sluggish well. I'm a work-a-holic through and through. Laying around felling low is not my cup of tea.

This morning that same friend (Kathy our MJ shipping Junie-goddess-of-love) pointed out my Twitterscope for today. How funny and timely is this...

You are unable to suppress your enthusiasm now, yet you're not quite ready to swing into action. There's a lot at stake today and you may be overwhelmed by it all. Fortunately, you should be able to deliver on your commitments, so don't talk yourself out of participating. Ultimately, you will feel good about your contribution if you don't hold anything back.

We shall see. Will I get my mojo back today? I did wake up with an inkling of a plan, a glimmer of an idea, hopefully I'm back!  Heck, even a little enthusiasm would be fine for today!


Progress Report: Yesterday's Twitterscope was fulfilled! I wasn't ready to get back in the swing of things but I had a lot of commitments, I didn't let myself sulk away from the days challenges! My Junies showed up for work, we had a blast and got a ton of work done. And... (drum rolling in the distance) I made a plan for 2011!!!  I went to bed happy, with my Mojo intack.


rosie/the fabric shopper said...

I've been feeling that same way lately ~ knowing I need to "freshen" things up a bit, bored with the same ole, same ole ~ but not quite sure which idea to work on first! sigh

Kelly McCants said...

Wow, are on the same page! I guess it's a January thing. ; ) I hate it!

Dawn Anderson said...

First, I love the poster! Second, even though I know you hate it, relish in and embrace the down time. I agree with DH - its probably more of a burn out than lack of motivation (reference your 2010 wrap up post. It was a busy year!) It's okay and understandable that the tank may be on empty right now. Take time to fill it back up so 2011 can be bigger and better!