Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
444 sale
I can't believe it, I just hit 444 sales on Etsy today! So let's have a sale to celebrate. For the next 3 days get 20% off any and all Modern June products found in my Etsy store! Sale ends Thursday at Midnight EST. To get your discount just make your purchase type in "444sale" in the note to seller section but don't pay, wait for a pay pal invoice that will have corrected total. Thanks for helping me celebrate!
puppy luv

Check out the daily inspriration from On the Dot Creations. I love the layout and the colors are so perky! What is that I see a Modern June doggie dish mat! Wow, check out her blog it is so lovely. Anybody that likes dots this much has to be my new blog pick. Julie makes the cutest custom desk top wallpaper, I think I need on today! Maybe I will let Maddie take care of the picking and choosing.
HEY! what a great Mothers day present!!!! Don I know you are reading, hint - hint honey! Both the kids can both do one on for our two computers. FUN!

xoxox, Kelly
Monday, April 28, 2008
gift guide shout out!

Look what I found, Modern June has been featured on this great Mother's Day Gift Guide over at From Dates to Diapers and Beyond! They are having a give-a-way, check it out!

I too like the apron that Christine (homeschooling Mom of SIX, love her for that!!!!) picked the Spring Paisley Apron. It is my favorite pattern the Sweet Jane Apron. I first made this for my friend Jane that lives around the corner, her daughter and mine are good friends too! Love that. The pattern is great for several reasons, but the best feature are the integrated pockets is so flattering to all figures, they are slimming! For those of us that like to eat our good cooking you know what I am talking about! I made this pattern off two of my favorite vintage aprons taking the best features and modernizing them for the Modern June Clever.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Rick Rack, Splat Mats and Cool Banners

Look what I scored this weekend! RICK RACK and lots and lots of it!! Thanks to my friend Suzanne of Silver Tree Art I was able to get all this for $50.00. We are talking 800 yards of the fabulous stuff. Now that was a serious score! I bought it all at a scrap book store that closed this past weekend. I am bummed by how I got my loot, my heart was really hurting for the owner that was saying goodbye to her business and all her customers. That is a real drag.

I can not tell you how many splat mats have gone out lately, it is incredible. It is the year of the splat mat here at Modern June. This is my second wholesale order this month that had just Deluxe Mats, with two more shops also considering carrying them!
I have been able to make some really fun combinations, thanks to the creativity of the shop owners. They are coming up with some great products! I really like the custom aspect of my business, it allows people to influence my work in such wonderful ways, it makes me feel less lonely working in the studio alone.
I also sent off a Splat Mat to a National Pregnancy and Baby Magazine for consideration for their Editorial Picks. I was honored just to be asked, we will see if it makes the September issue later! Meanwhile I have my fingers crossed.

I also made these super cool Banners out of oilcloth. I am going to call them The Mexican Madness Banner. I am so in love with them, I did not want to pack these four fabulous lovelies in to the box, I wanted to keep them for my very own. I have to make mine soon! I will also be listing them on ye ol' Etsy site later this week. This order of four 18' long banners are for an adorable lady, Courtney! She runs Sweet Lucindas. The banners will decorate her courtyard behind her shop where she holds cupcake parties. THAT is so cool, don't we all want to go? Her cupcakes are so cool that Martha recently picked out 8 of her entries during the cupcake contest. That equals rock star status!

To finish off this long weekend of productivity I had to clean up my studio! What a disaster! When I took the photo with the banners I really saw the room and it's mess from a new perspective. I bet that mess has a bit to do with my burn-out last week, I hadn't given it the once over since the show chaos. Who can work in that mess? Sometimes I forget that a clean studio= happy worker!
The best part is that I can use the Treadmill, my bottom is suffering from lack of it's use. If I don't use it consistently for the next month, I vow to sell it. I could use the room for something really useful.
Have a great week!
Friday, April 25, 2008
spring fever
Maddie, Aidan and I have a serious case of spring fever. For me, well, I can't seem to stay in the cave (I mean studio) for long before wandering outside. Once I am out there in the glorious spring weather it's long to wish my hands were dirty and that I was surrounded by flowers.

So today after a morning of making flowers out of polymer clay while listening to Harry Potter. We went off to Azalea Garden Center to see Mike and Mary Anne for a serious dose of flower buying. We called today art and nature school! ; )
I told the kids we were buying nothing but hanging plants and pre-potted plants. Basically expensive flowers, expensive but complete. I have a really bad habit of buying flower and never having time to plant them. What a waste. So did I just buy the convenience flowers? Did that happen? Hell no! We ended up with some herbs, a flat of flowers that needed planting as well as 3 hanging baskets. Big sigh.... I love gardening. I miss it so much, Modern June has taken away all that creative free time that I once had. There we go again the illusive concept of balance!
Two hours later the plants are all in and there is dirt under my nails. Heaven! Here is what we did...

The hanging pots that was easy-peasy! I love these red geraniums, I forget what kind they are and I have cleaned up so well the tags are long gone already. I had them here last year, they were very tolerant of my neglect. They are worth buying year after year!

Here we did a mix of coleus, caladium's, and petunias. I love these three that line the steps up to the front door.

Maddie had a great idea for the remaining flowers, we opened up the front border by taking out day lilies and small hostas. I would of like to have taken a photo of the bed but my crazy kids kind of pulverized them with the jet spray while watering them, URG. I think Aidan heard USE the jet spray not the shower setting, instead of what I really said. He must of missed the word DON'T.
It is probably to early but I cleaned off all the pollen off the porch furniture, I have a feeling I will be doing that job all over again. The pollen here in RVA is horrible for weeks everything is covered with a green powder. But for tonight it is clean...I see myself sipping Corona's on the porch. Hey, I should do that now!
With rain all weekend I will have plenty of time to catch up on my work. Right? I totally need permission to take a day off. That's a bad sign. Work-a-holic!!!
Enjoy your weekend no matter what you do!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
upcoming craft shows
OH MY! We have a CRAFT-a- POLOOZA coming our way.
Ok here is the deal, our RCM girl Erin has been busy entering us in all these Indie Craft Shows. I talking the rock star shows, the really awesome ones that we all want to go to just so we can shop and be seen at! Yes we are talking status here! Well damn if we didn't get into every single one of them.

Here is the line up!
For me alone we have:
Strawberry Street Festival
Saturday, May 10th from 12 noon - 4:30 pm
Fox Model Elementary School
Richmond, VA

The Lewis Ginter Recreational Art Show
Saturday, May 17th from 10 am - 4 pm
Richmond, VA
For RCM group booths we have:
Art Star Craft Bazaar
Saturday, May 31st from 11 am - 7 pm
Sunday, June 1st from 11 am - 5 pm
Philadelphia, PA
Ice Atlanta
Saturday, June 7th from 11 am - 6 pm
Atlanta, Georgia
Renegade Craft Fair
Saturday - Sunday, June 14th - 15th from 11 am - 7 pm
Brooklyn, NYC
Saturday, June 28th from 10 am - 5 pm
Silver Spring, Maryland
Personally, I have to say I am totally freaked out. For me it is the guilt of not being able to go to them with the girls. Not to be a team player, not to offer my van up for traveling all our stuff there. Our family life has been less than calm lately too. I keep telling myself that I would do it for them if they were in my shoes. But, honestly I really want to go and have fun too. THIS is what being a responsible Mommy is all about.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
It's Farmers Market Time!!!
I only have one problem with farmers markets season, with so many great ones who will win my loyalty? My first love is the 17 St. Fresh Market, after all that is the birth place of Modern June. The Byrd House Market is so lovely and charming. But now there is another to toy with my affections... Lakeside Farmers Market. One could almost hit a market every day of the week here in the Richmond area. Ok, that is so cool. Gas prices being what they are I think the Lakeside Market will win out, plus it is new and I can visit my favorite Lakeside shop, Feathernesters. Lunch al fresco and the market? Yep, that sounds great!
For a Richmond Farmers Market nearest you check out for the low down.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Spring Bada-Bing BABY
What fun, what fun! I am so happy with how the show went, thanks to the likes of Erica and Dawn and their expert organizational skills and then when you add the rest of the RCM gang it you get a rockin' show!

The crowd was awesome, I was happy with how many people braved the downpour! It was crafty treat I tell you! I have to say that people really made me proud of my work, one woman told me that she wanted something from Modern June so bad that she was haunted with regret for weeks after last years show. How fun is that? Then someone bought an apron for her Mom for Mothers Day, she said that her Mom has wanted one for a while now. Too cool! Thanks for all the love!

Isn't the space wonderful? OMG, Don and I want to go to a party here big time! The fabric and the lighting is there 24/7. So you get that luxe party scene in the package. Plant Zero was also wonderful to deal with, I think we have found SBB's special home!
It was Etsy mecca and I have added to my Crafty Crush list! Big time craft crushes developing. I will show you my loot later, but now I got-ta go teach those kids!
Friday, April 18, 2008
craft show madness

With two days to go till Spring Bada Bing, life is madness!

Any way, here is a sneak peak at a few new aprons that I have cranked out in the last day or two. Splat mats are product of choice lately, so it was fun to make something different. My new industrial works just a nice on cotton as it does with oilcloth.

Well I am off to the Shipping and Handling Department...oh yah that is the dining room too! Come to show if you know what is good for you! We don't want to have to put out any hits of cool peeps! The Craft Mafia is so crafty it's scary!!!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I want, I want, I want!

I need a book from Betz White, the super star crafter! And I need pincushion because I know I won't be making one of my own anytime soon.

I would also love to replace my cheap Crate and Barrel coaters for some of By Cary coasters. I am in love with her Spring Silhouette Greeting Cards too!

I will take just about any thing from Red Prairie Press! This Folkprint tee would be good for starters! I still regret not buying one of her scarves at the DC mafia show in December.

My son will surly need a Ninja from Needle Noodles to go with his brain slugs from last years SBB!

And if my daughter doesn't need this cute cupcake Squid, I'll take it! OH we love our Cleo Dee Collection. The easter bunny shops there, who knew?

Everyone needs a gnome from A. Bel Studio, ok I need four! I have been waiting way to patiently for these little guys!

The best thing I can think of buying is this... I were a wealthy crafter I would buy each of my 14 RCM DIVA GIRLS some bitchin Bath products from Disquieting Design. Why? Cuz they rock and they have worked so hard to put on our 3rd Spring Bada Bing. I am so enjoying tub shooter Sunday night, my poison, Black Cherry Vanilla.
Come see these super star crafters and more on Sunday 11-4. Here are the directions
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Every once and a while I have a mommy freak out, ok I have those often, but specifically from time to time I have a medical freak out over something that is happening with my kids. Today is one of those days. A day when I just needed to go and give our pediatrician a 20.00 co-pay in exchange for piece of mind.
Between spelling and lunch Aidan spent hours holding his hand over his heart complaining of "heartache". I asked who the lucky lady was but I realized he was really in pain. And by two o'clock he was unable to sit up or to stop weeping. See my freak out? Off to the Doctor we went. Only to have Aidan feeling so good that he busied himself with his new found art of armpit farting. Yes you know he did it in front of the Doctor. With a laugh in his eyes we got the preverbal "take two Motrin and call me if it gets worse". Oh, let's not forget the 2 lollipops. I figure they cost me 10.00 each!
I chuckled all the way home, parenting can be really funny if you just look at it from the right side of things. It will be a long time till our favorite Nurse and Doctor forget the little boy with heartache and a bad case of armpit farts!
Aidan doesn't know it yet but this story will be told for years to come! Heartache!!!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
too cute, too nice and too soon!

Check out this fun curtain idea that was featured in the BHG email I just got about 10 bargain window treatments! TOO CUTE! This would be fun in the studio, Don would hate it any where else. Hell he might hate it there to, I forget we share the space! Sorry luv.
Check out this wonderful shout out to my local etsy friends in the RVA News article! Too nice!

The Spring Bada-bing show is April 20th, mark you calendars! I expect to see you all there or the crafty mafia will have to send out hits on you locals!!! There never enough time, the show is too soon.
Monday, April 7, 2008
craft lounge TONIGHT!!!

Join the Richmond Craft Mafia for another Craft Lounge tomorrow night from 7 - 9 pm at The Camel.
Ever wanted to try needle felting? Have the supplies but don't know how to get started felting? Bring your stuff and come out and join us! We will have some simple projects and basic supplies to get you felting in no time. As always, if needle felting isn't your thing, you can BYOC (bring your own craft) and just come hang out with some creative crafty peeps for awhile.
Craft Lounge (happens every 1st Monday)
The Camel
7 - 9 pm
See you there!
fun facts!
Kids are getting up so I have to dash! Hope you all are well!!!!
1. How did you get started with your business?
My two children needed new aprons so I went out looking for some vintage aprons and found way too many! I became addicted and needed to sell some, my collection was out of hand! I started selling them at the 17th Street Farmers Market along with some of my first oilcloth Market Totes. I could not let the really cool aprons go with out using them to draft patterns. By Christmas everyone wanted Modern June aprons instead of the vintage ones, so by the spring I was in full swing production with my own aprons line.
2. What is your favorite tool to work with?
My new baby! My Bernina 950 industrial named Indie!
3. What/who inspires you?
Any thing vintage and mix it with fresh modern colors I also like to take magazine layouts usually interiors and use the modern color combinations into consideration when choosing fabrics.
MY clients! I love working with people on new ideas. Working alone is hard, new people and new projects keep Modern June fresh and always thinking.
4. Man-bag or purse?
I love me a nice purse!
5. Where do you see your business in 3 years?
Honestly I would love to have one of my products featured in a national magazine. You know the editors pick pages. I won't be so bold to wish for an article. The product page would be just fine!
6. If you only had one thing to tell someone starting a craft/indie
business what would it be?
Get the money part figured out first. MY BIGGEST mistake!
7. Rock, paper or scissors?
8. Are you a full time crafter/designer?
Kind of full time, I also stay at home and school my two children while also keeping full time hours in the Modern June Studio. It's crazy fun!
9. Do you have a craft crush? (A designer or indie/craft business
that you admire.)
Hell yeah here are just a few!
Mary Ellen, Twist
Heather Bailey, HELLO my name is Heather
Amy Carol, Angry Chicken
Alicia Paulson, Posie Gets Cozy
10. What is your favorite current indie/DIY trend?
I am digging the bird craze!
11. What was the best compliment a customer ever gave you?
I think the best compliment is when a store carries Modern June. Of all the crafters out there they chosen MY product line. What a shop carries represents who they are and what they want to say about themselves. What they think is hot and cool! It really is a the best kudos ever!
12. What craft would you like to try or learn?
I would really like to make cool jewelry! I just don't do it well at all! I beaded a 12 strand necklace for myself and was so proud, until I put it on only to have the seed beads go flying across the room with in minutes. That sucked! I stick to buying my necklaces for now.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Monkeying around

My friend Beth from The Monkey and Me has gotten the best shout out. Check out these pictures of her children's clothing. She had be asked to send some clothing to photographer Kara May to be photographed, what an honor the photos are so incredible! I am green with envy! Congrats Beth, so very well deserved!