Ok you know that really stupid post about my silly post it notes well guess what it doesn't work if you don't pay attention to it. I tell you what today has been a complete waste of time. I have not sat down for more than 5 minutes but I can't think of one silly thing that I have accomplished.
The weekend was a blur too! Saturday was the Centerville Pumpkin Festival what a beautiful day we had! Well minus the wind that destroyed my already ailing tent. After my serious hissy fit I had a great time hanging with the crafty girls that I shared my booth with. The photo above show the three muses at it again, we agreed that we were not tired, bitter or angry this time around. Well Nicole was tired and I had been pretty bitter and angry about my tent but I rallied! And Diva E (also known to the Richmond Craft Mafia's inner circle EASY E), well Erica is just so damn cute and happy she was not tired, bitter nor angry. Good things not to be! Too bad Dawn had come and gone and could not be added to our picture. She was tired from a work week from hell.
Sunday was crazy fun and tiring! I had to unpack the van which was like pulling teeth. But once I got up from a quick nap we went to Kings Dominion with the family. We had 4 pre paid ticket to use up! It was again a wonderfully beautiful day. It is hard to remember that it is the last week of October when it is 80 plus degrees. We had so much fun at the park, it was nice to be away from home, there was no sewing machine, computer or TV. I held on to my kids like crazy, they have been missing me and I have missed them too!

You know your working too hard when your 7 year old tells you he wishes that Modern June wasn't real, cuz mommy is never able to be with him. Yikes that hurts and it only the beginning of the really busy season. What is a mommy to do? I feel so bad but I love what I doing. Don, god love him, says he is proud of my work but is constantly asking me to stop working so hard. How does one make the masses happy?

And now to top it all off my studio seems to be suffering plumbing problem. Tonight I just spent 2 hours cleaning up ( a complete dester after a week of mad sewing and me dumping my show stuff any where there was a piece of floor.) I also was getting my projects in order when all of a sudden I have to remove half the junk out of the Bathroom storage room (yes you heard correctly I took over a bathroom in order to have more storage). Now it is all over my work space. I really need to clean out a space in the shed and store stuff in there!
Time, I need LOTS OF TIME! CALGON get me the hell out of here! NOW! Pity party complete! I need a good cry and some chocolate and now it is not even that time of the month! Rant over chocolate consumed and my silly little novel is waiting me in my comfy bed. Tomorrow has to be better right? Knock on wood!
It will totally be better... I promise!
Here's to a better day, my friend. Call me if you need to.
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