Grave Yard cake, this is an oldie but goodie. Christi said we needed gummy worms in the cake. I forgot we did that one year. I have to remember the worms! What was I thinking? Maddie and Aidan decorated the tombstones this year, I love them!

Once the tombstones were finished the fun continued. This is Aidan's creation.

Maddie was great and made tags for all the food. We had Monster Muffins (corn muffins), Zombie Knuckles (chicken nuggets), Ghoulish Gruel (chili), and Dead Man Crackers just to name a few things on our party menu. I love Maddie's curly handwriting. I wish this photo came out better, I thought the red cabbage bowls were great! Everyone liked them.

Don carved some awesome pumpkins!
We had a big crowd again this year, about 7 families! We have had a Halloween party every year since M. was 3. It started out as pumpkin carving parties. That was insane, and only lasted two years. We have the best neighborhood for trick-or-treating, so we invite all our buddies that live in the country or families that don't have great trick-or-treat hoods. We always have chili and we always have beer! Some of the mamma's hang out with me on the porch and have some laughs! This year was no different. There were some missing people this year, The G family, the V. family and the Josie family were very, very missed! Why'd ya have to leave us?
I hope you all had some spookyness this All Hallows Eve!
I need a mystery to read tonight while cozy in bed!
I wish I a copy of The Raven! I should take the kids to our Edgar Allen Poe House! Ha! I found it on the EAP house site! Sweet, it is printing and I am off to my warm comfy bed!

Maddie was great and made tags for all the food. We had Monster Muffins (corn muffins), Zombie Knuckles (chicken nuggets), Ghoulish Gruel (chili), and Dead Man Crackers just to name a few things on our party menu. I love Maddie's curly handwriting. I wish this photo came out better, I thought the red cabbage bowls were great! Everyone liked them.

Don carved some awesome pumpkins!

I hope you all had some spookyness this All Hallows Eve!
I need a mystery to read tonight while cozy in bed!
I wish I a copy of The Raven! I should take the kids to our Edgar Allen Poe House! Ha! I found it on the EAP house site! Sweet, it is printing and I am off to my warm comfy bed!
Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of gummy body parts buried in the cake, like some of the kids got in their candy baskets. The cake was delicious!! Thanks for having us over. We all had a blast.
We missed you guys too! For the first time, I really decorated for Halloween - you know my old house - no one was coming, there was no point. I even made those witches curtains! We might have had seven kids. Next year I'm hosting a party with beer & chili - wanna come to Staunton??? My sister is moving to your neck of the woods in a few weeks.
the Josie Family
I wish you would tell that the two men are wearing witches hats! They were a hoot!
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