So here is the great site that I found, Let Talk Organizing. Suzanne is a mommy to two (I believe) and she works from home. That sold me right there! She is speaking my language. What I really like is that she is not speaking down to me like some other podcasters. No names here! But you know what I mean, people that talk too much about what experts they are and are trying to sound ultra professional. Maybe its a "radio voice" thing? Well after listening to all 5 of the Let Talk Organizing podcasts I have no doubt that this woman and her team are professional and are most certainly experts in their field.
The first podcast in her list is all about finding your organizational style. I listened to this over and over again, trying to figure out what style I might be. Now that I am not sewing up a storm, I see that there is a little survey in the site you can take! I love a quiz! I don't know about you but I read every little article and blurb about getting organized that I can get my hands on and not one of those has ever mentioned an organization style. This is rocking my world! I see now why certain methods fail for me and why other are perfect! Who know?
Well I hear the kiddo's are awake upstairs. I worked all night so we could have a fun day today. Obviously after yesterday they need more Mommy and LESS Modern June!!! I will take my survey and report back on the results later!
Let me know what you style is and if you like the podcast too! I love to hear from you!
Crafty thanks, Kelly!
OK, after a crazy day that started out with getting my podcast up before heading out to get my little people out to school, wanna-be sick kids, having a tire blow out, snapping the buttons off of my pants (eeek!), and breaking my favorite sandals, I find THIS post! Holy Moly! My day has suddenly turned brighter and I can't keep smiling! Who cares about a flippin sandal, when I have warm fuzzies such as this!
Thank you thank you thank you!
Hi Suzanne, How nice that you left a comment! I am glad you got to see this.
That was rotten day! I hope today is much better.
Tanks for the great information, and thanks for the podcast. I love to work and learn good things at the same time!
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