And the Oscar for best Husband goes to... mine. I love you, thanks for gifting me an entire evening of TV. Yes I was crafty too! I am making my squares for my lovely button flowers.

I had so much fun on Oscar night! It started with the pre-show over at the E-style networks and then over to ABC. I was TV Party Hopping!
We used to have these big parties on Oscar Night. All my theatre friends and Don's Web Friends would come and get all decked out. We used to raid the storage room of what ever costume shop we were working in at the time and borrow something truly fabulous.
We would have contests for the tackiest appetizer. The appetizer had to represent a movie from that year. Like the Titanic jello mold with a plastic ship nose down in the blue jello, and little figures floating in the water. Or the 7 layer bean dip in the shape of BABE the pig.
Man... we had a lot of fun. I want to be a grown up again! (insert pout and pity here) Every year I say "next year we will start it up". The major trouble is we have not seen any of the movies nor have any of our friends. Just excuses. The kids are now 6 and 9 maybe they need a sleep over with Grandma next year!!!

So OK even if you did not get to see the Oscars you can see the dresses. And come on that IS what it IS all ABOUT really. So in order to see how many people are really reading my blog I want to you all to go here and pick out your best dressed and your worst dressed. Then you MUST leave a comment. I know that there are a few of you that are lurking around here. I really and so curious to know who is reading. So please just this once I beg you comment! Don, Christi and Janet you know I mean you too!
oh check this out if you're really really into the Oscar dresses it is a quiz, everyone loves a quiz
So come on give me a head count, please!!! (This is the begging part)