When your best friend say's "you know what you should make?" and then tosses you her favorite bib for you to make a pattern off of, you do what your told!
Christi is the best Mom ever. When I grow up I want to just like her! I love going to her house I get fed so well and I get to play with her sweet little girl, Charlotte! Her older two children are the same age as Maddie and Aidan. We don't see them for hours and hours while Christi and I sit and drink tea all afternoon and chat.
I am going to go now and be a good mom too and not blog all morning.
Christi pick out your oilcloth fabric for you new wallet...I have perfected the pattern and I am ready to roll them out! You get the first one! For the rest of you I'll post the bib and the wallet and checkbook covers on Etsy later today.
I am off to play and learn with my kiddos!
THAT is odd. I was JUST about to tell you that you should make oil cloth bibs!!!!
that weird
that bib looks wonderful
The bib is super cute! =D
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