Disclaimer: this is DESIGNING WITH OUT A DIME!
I have been meaning to show you my progress in the studio for days and days, I have be so concerned with my children's line and the future that I have lagged behind. So here goes!
Last year in my Studio Makeover Madness I threaten to take out the sink and the toilet in the "room" is beside my studio. I would not call it a bathroom anymore. It is creepy and gross and no amount of low cost DYI can help it! So I have wanted to gut it for some time now. What the dream is to trade the laundry closet (and I mean closet) and this bathroom. This wayI get a great place to do laundry, iron and store MJ stuff. But even better we get a 2nd bathroom that we would actually use. My only problem is cash flow. Some day, some day!
So any who, the other day I was really tempted to pull that sink out once and for all! But I was really daunted when it came down to deciding what to do with the open pipes. I could figure it out but that was not as quick and dirty as I was hoping for. As a comprise I just took off the faucet. Wow, this made way for an old table top from one of the kids desks. Perfect fit, rounded edges so I could get in and out with out bruising my legs every time! Didn't I say quick and dirty DYI? I am the queen of this nonsense!

Next step was to fill in the space between the toilet and pestle sink, my new funky 50's rack to the rescue. Love it, it is a perfect fit and it is perfect for all those shipping supplies. On the other side of the sink pedestal I have place my files. No more excuses that I can't reach them with out a major to do. Darn this means I have to file!

Now with this nice flat surface I have a place to put all my bins, and finally, they are easy to get to. This has been really nice. No more towering stacks of bins to fight with.

Then on the wall I have my "found" rack for trims. Handy dandy and free! I just need to "find" a few more just like it!
I love January, happy organizing!
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