Today is all about shining up the house. I've been hanging out in the kitchen first. I always start in the kitchen since it gets dirty the quickest!
- Method to rescue, I love their Window Wash. Couple that with a clean microfiber towel and you have a very green window cleaning set! Glass cabinet doors, window and Doors all done, yah!!!
- Method Lavender Spray for the kitchen cabinets next. I was totally grossed out with how dirty the knobs were! Yuck.
- Detail the Microwave:
- Place a bowl with water into the microwave and heat for 2 minutes to build up moisture on the inside surface.
- Spray it down with Method All Purpose Lavender Spray and scrub-scrub-scrub. Use your hot water, microfiber towel, one of those green kitchen scrubbers and a load of elbow grease.
- Place a fresh water bowl into the microwave, again run it for 2 minutes. Then wipe down your clean microwave with a clean towel and the water you just heated. Careful, that water is really hot!
- I used child labor for the bottom cabinets. I did go back and clean the greasy trim and yucky knobs for the kid. I didn't let him know though, I didn't want him to think he did a lousy job.
- I fancied up the stove top spices, these are the things I use every day, and they live on the back of the stove. Martha told me that displaying anything with a label is a no-no! I have decanted my dish soap and lotion for years, today I switched out my spices for clear glass jars. Much better.
- I then shined up the tea pot with a tiny bit of Ajax, Method Stainless Steal cleaner and elbow grease (again). Oh, my aching elbows.
Okay, I'm back again. I have just placed 49 magazines and catalogs in my recycling, this doesn't include the load that I gave back to my BNE (Best Neighbor Ever). Janet shares her magazines with me when she is done. Boy, she is gonna hate me for that big pile!! Sorry.

Yesterday while I was de-cluttering the living room I took all the votive candle holders from the mantle and ran them through the dishwasher. Today I took all the sparkly clean glass votives and loaded them up with new tea lights for a lovely warm evening at home.
Now for some down time!
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