Thursday, February 28, 2008

Oilcloth Shopping Bag

After a wonderful review and market testing by me best neighbor Janet I have listed the new SHOPPER Tote on Etsy this morning!

Here is what Janet had to say about her new oilcloth shopping bag, THE SHOPPER!

Used the gorgous black & white print (don't know the name of the pattern) for a pick-up trip to Ukrops. It held a carton of Edy's, two frozen orange juice, two cartons of grape tomatoes, one carton of blueberries, 2 oranges, 4 tangerines, l lemon, 6 bananas and loaf of french bread. Oh and a 4pk of bagles. Who knew so much would fit! And the handles didn't fall off like would happen with all of that in our lovely supermarket's paper bags. Can't wait to use it this summer for the pool and my Thurs. trips to the farmer's market. Thanks again for the gift. J.


Anonymous said...

are the straps long enough to hoist over your shoulder? when I am lugging several grocery bags and a 20 lb toddler to the door, being able to hook the bags on my shoulders is ideal :)

Kelly McCants said...

They are kind of in the middle I would say that currently they would be very comfortable in the crook of your elbow. But don't fret I could make the longer for you.

Being the first round this is the type of thing likely to be fussed with until I find the just the right length to please most peeps!

just let me know! ;) Kelly

Anonymous said...


Forgot to tell you - it also saved me 5cents. How cool is that!


Beth Allums said...

I want one!! Just like my table cloth