Look what the oh so cute Green Canary has to say about Modern June in her February 4th Daily photo post. I get so excited to see and hear people reactions to my aprons and product. Little shout out's like this make it all worth while! Thanks Miss Green Canary! If I might suggest the next photo needs to be you in the apron with a rolling pin!
BTW I love the photo of the aprons packaging. That is cool! The girls at RCM and I were just talking about how we package out products before they go out. And look worthy of a daily photo. Sweet!
This apron has been such a hit! I wish the fabric was not discontinued. She may have gotten one of the last few to be had! I just have to shop for more of this gorgeous fabric today!
Don't forget I would love to have your photos of you wearing Modern June! I love to share them with everyone! Here are a few Look who's wearing Modern June posts. I would love more HINT HINT HINT!
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