Friday, November 30, 2007

Vino and Holiday shopping!

Come and join us for a glass of wine and some
no stress holiday shopping!

Located at the Architecto Studios the Expansion Joint is all set to host another Trunk show. This is a wonderful group of artists and crafters. Please come and join us as we make a toast to December and the Holiday Season.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Now that Harry Potter is all grown up, is a father and husband not to mention that we have listened to all 7 audio books more than a few times we have been forced to find new material to keep us company. And boy have we found it!

Here is what Barnes and Noble has to say about the book; Armed only with a frying pan and her common sense, Tiffany Aching, a young witch-to-be, is all that stands between the monsters of Fairyland and the warm, green Chalk country that is her home. Forced into Fairyland to seek her kidnapped brother, Tiffany allies herself with the Chalk's local Nac Mac Feegle -- aka the Wee Free Men -- a clan of sheep-stealing, sword-wielding, six-inch-high blue men who are as fierce as they are funny. Together, they battle though an eerie and ever-shifting landscape, fighting brutal flying fairies, dream-spinning dromes, and grimhounds -- black dogs with eyes of fire and teeth of razors -- before ultimately confronting the Queen of the Elves, absolute ruler of a world in which reality intertwines with nightmare. And in the final showdown, Tiffany must face her cruel power alone ...

You can read the entire Wee Free Men E-book here! I had no idea that this was a possibility entire books online, who knew?

A Modern June Breakfast

How to make a healthy breakfast
By Modern June

Step 1: Sleep late (7:45 -- OK not really late for some, but late for me!). Get lucky enough to have your husband gone off to work early, and to have your children sleep way too late! Spend an hour updating Etsy site (where, by the way there are several new cute things to see) while styling a fabulous vintage apron, of course.

Step 2: Realize that if those kids don't get up soon, your husband will be so tired and angry at bedtime that this private time really wasn't worth it.

Step 3: Get out all your ingredients, realize this a great blog post, and take photos.

Step 4: Realize that you have no eggs, and run to the neighbors house for shameless begging of food supplies. Bonus, receive two great magazines to enjoy in my down time -- in January.

Step 5: Listen to kids be very sweet and cute while they play nicely together, while you blog, take silly pictures and try to actually cook the breakfast without burning anything.

Step 6: Realize that you have no place to serve this "yummy display of housewifery and motherly love" because no one (you) cleaned up the table after last nights art time.

Step 7: How to handle the unexpected guest: imaginary plush food of course.

Step 8: Push the mess aside and proceed with eating. It certainly isn't Martha. It's just me, Modern June, and my typical day. I'mm sure that June Cleaver is turning over in her make believe coffin!

Step 9: Enjoy the bliss.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

As seen on TV

I have to say it is a big news week her at Modern June! I have orders pouring in, wahoo. I have a give-away at apronistas. And this morning my girls Beth and Dawn were TV craft goddesses! Check out the crafty goodness here on the WTVR website. They were awesome, and they got the hosts of the show to were Modern June aprons! I love it. So as seen on TV....

The Apronistas are giving it away!

I am so excited to announce that you can enter to win a Modern June Mommy and Me set by clicking over to the fabulous Arponinsta blog! TOO fun! While you are there wander around and read the great apron stories that they have collected! The site is run by two wondrous woman the Domestic Chicky and Vintage Chica. These two apron junkies are helping rule the world with the homey goodness of the good old fashion apron!

Thanks Deanna and Eren for including me in all the fun, you both rock!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Holiday Banner

Two of crafty girlfriends Dawn and Beth from the Richmond Craft Mafia are going to be doing some crafting on a local TV morning show, Virginia This Morning! We are so excited to have these to gals supporting Richmond Craft Mafia. They will be doing demo of a felt holiday garlands! Some of us have thrown in our Version as well, you can see Missing monsters light up fleece garland tutorial at off the record. Here is my contribution! Happy holidays!

Step one: Gather materials

-1/2 bias tape
-pinking shears
-scrap fabric (this pile is what is left over from the Modern June Christmas Aprons

Step Two: make a pattern

To start making your pattern draw a 12 inch line with chalk then add a small perpendicular line at the end the 12 inches.

This is just what worked for me, feel free to change the size of your pendent all you want!

Step Three: Finish up pattern

Next draw two marks, 4 inches on either side of the center line. Then take your ruler and create your diagonal line. Mark with chalk.

Step five: cut cut cut

Now take this pattern and cut as many as you think you' ll need. Mine are all a bit different in size I eyeballed most of them for kicks!

Once you have your banner pieces all cut out it off to the sewing machine!

Step Five: construction

Sandwich your banner piece into the 1/2 bias tape. Then edge stitch.

Step Six: Spacing

I used the card from the bias tape packaging as a guide to space my pendent evenly! I would make this a bit less next time. For me I think it is spaced to wide. I had to do a bit of pinning for my "valance"

Looking good!

Step Seven: hang and enjoy!


I forgot to blog yesterday! Instead I had a melt down. I ran away from home and when I did I found two of my friend out for a walk and looking for me! We all had lunch and discussed the problems that ailed us. Being a woman can really suck! Health, families, in laws and money can be such downers. Each of us had very valid and big issues on our plate. But we have each other to talk to and to listen to and for that we are blessed!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Giving to Momma

In the last week my two sweet children have both realized that Momma needs gift too! This is nice to see for several reasons, one is that they love me so very much, the second is that they have taken a break from forming their wish lists for just a moment! Third is proves that I have done a good job! Right?

Maddie was pouring through the Sunday paper Ads (she was clipping out good things to paste onto her wish list) the other day and she came to me with a WALMART AD and asked me what I liked. Yikes! Well the page was covered with diamonds! Well fake diamonds but how sweet that was. I told her that I loved the idea of her getting me jewelry for she knows how much I love a good necklace and semi matching earrings! How very sweet is that? I don't own a single diamond!

Last night at bed time Aidan and I were snuggling for a bit and he realized that he could get me a present too. Wow! it was an AH-HA moment for him. He was so excited. He thought and thought and then he must of seen me holding an ugly doll because he came up with something.
He told me he had to order something for me and I was not to open any amazon packages. He then told me he did not want to "know which ugly doll he picked out for me"! The moment was too sweet, he did not even realize that he told me the surprise.

I am learning that it take a good deal of un-learning to buy handmade and to buy local! I too am having difficulties with it! But with baby steps my little family will begin to do the right thing!

So Maddie and I had a chat about how cool it would be for her to pick out something that one of my friends made! It would be just so special. She agreed!

Aidan and I chatted about how I would rather have one of his monsters instead, he thought about it hard and then told me that that would take forever for him because "they are made by you Mamma!" I went to sleep giggling thinking about Don being art directed by Aidan and sewing for week making my gift.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


I love this wacky photo that I took while the kids and I were goofing off today. Maddie saw this and told me it looked like an impressionistic painting! Wow, she is learning, we recently wathced a video about Monet! LOVE IT. I was checking to see what our VMFA has to offer in the way of impressionism, they have one Monet, IRIS. The And this is coming up in late February, Landscapes from the Age of Impressionism. We have to check that out too!

Today the weather was great! 73 bright and sunny in the morning! We went out as the sky was getting dark and stormy. One of my favorite times!

We had a great day together, playing Uno, Legos, Dance party revolution, and Karaoke on the Game Cube!

My MIL is the best! She told me that I was not to worry about Thanksgiving at all this year, she knows that I am busy. Isn't that great! She wouldn't even let me bring anything. I had to make something so I forced a pumpkin cheese cake on her! It was yummy! And it has super low weight watchers points! The whole family liked it! Now that is a rare treat! I see a regular desert! I was so easy too.

Today I was thankful for a simple day!

Happy Turkey Day!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My kind of black friday!

I just received an email from Real Simple with this link, Black Friday: A holiday shopping guide! I can make it all even simpler!! Buy hand made this holiday season! You can make your holidays more meaningful and make a crafters day!

Just a few cool peeps that sell handmade goods!

Want your name added to the list leave me a love note and I will add you to the ever growing list of cool crafters! Now grab a cup of joe and sit in you comfy chair and shop to you are broke! LOL

Repro Depot is having a super sale! Husband this might be a hint for you! Books, crafty books, home books, just books!!!!

huge 25% off sale!

enjoy 25% off all patterns, buttons, ribbons, patches, notions, books and gifts*
(*except gift certificates)

sale runs through Tuesday, November 27th.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Apronistas!

Please go and check out The Apronista site! I tell you it is give away city! The Farm Chicks "Betty Tractor" Logo Pendant from this page and the The Farm Chicks Magnetic Shopping Pad from this page. Have fun and happy hoping you win!

three pretty vintage aprons!

three pretty vintage aprons!, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

Aprons, vintage or just made today, you have to have em! And a lot of them! Here are three of my pretties! I love aprons as decoration! Now Don might think differently! These three have been hanging out for a few days!

Gotta show them off! To show yours off check out the following Flickr groups!

The Apronista
Apron Time
Vintage Apron Patterns
Apron Outfits
Vintage Aprons
Apron Strings

Etsy God!

Rob Kalin, founder of has been interviewed by Wallstrip check it out! This is a good interview for the skinny on Esty founder and CEO! They really gave him some screen time and they asked some great questions! I love this mans philosophy! Thanks to Rob and his team we crafters can start to rule the world! (Insert evil laugh here!)

Monday, November 19, 2007

A little something new!

Oh, oh, oh I like this one A LOT! Super cute apron in rich, soft cotton with a giant graphic print, it could not make me happier! Do you remember this fabric? It has been talking to me urging me to cut into!

And the Apron goes to....

Drum roll please!

And the Apron goes to.... Tank girl 52!

But wait I have a surprise! Aidan had a bright idea, since there are two kids to pick names then there ought to be two gifts. So with out further ado, I would like Silvia to know that she is the proud new owner of this Santa Baby Stocking.

Thanks to everyone that played along in my fun! I tell ya I felt a little like Oprah! Just a little, I mean it wasn't the rush of giving away 300 cars but it is fun! Happy Turkey Day week!

I might have to do this some more! Stay tuned!

Sunday, November 18, 2007