Friday, May 29, 2009

messy elves?

scraps, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

Ok, what is up with this mess? While I appreciate the elves working hard through the night they really need to pick up after themselves when they are done. This is just ridiculous! 

I have been busy finishing up the latest round of oilcloth banners/buntings.  Lately people have been getting them for weddings, showers,  and school rooms.  I think these would be a wonderful teachers gift!  fun stuff!   

Thursday, May 28, 2009

getting crafty out of doors

getting crafty out of doors, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

What on earth could I be doing with all these tools and oilcloth? Stay tuned

kid stuff

kid stuff, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

Already tired of a yard full of useful junk, I knew we needed a system, a home everything. Now everyone (not me) can put all that fun stuff away!

Since I know my kids well, I know that if this stuff is going to get used, it needs to be out for them to see.  So, what to do with all that brightly colored plastic? Use all that left over garden pots and baskets of course!

I placed the pretty pile right out side the kitchen, now I can easily see if the kids have put it all back.  Plus, with it on the covered porch it will stay out of the weather and last longer.

Think it will work? Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

summer time at OCA

Hey guys,  I just wanted to let you all know that I am getting the summer kicked off with some fun and sun loving tutorials on my Oilcloth Addict bloggy-blog!   First project up is the long over due picnic basket tutorial from Ono's bridal shower!   I hope you like it, it sure was fun to make.  Hang around, there is more good stuff coming all summer long.  

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

new toy

I am such a happy little picture taker! I just got my fun new toy today, it is a Fuji Finepix s8100 fd. Boy am I having fun.

super macro, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

I am totally down with this photo, this is exactly what I wanted this camera to do, I wanted this quality without a lot of fussing and without a super expensive camera! I took this with the cameras auto setting and then turned on the super macro feature. I am really impressed because this was taken in the awful overhead lighting that I have down in the studio, that light fixture is the worst!

Working Vacation!

Modern June is taking a vacation!  I wish I were telling you all that we were all off to a fabulous vacation spot, but no, my plans are not that kind fun, they are exciting though! Modern June is going to take a few weeks to re-work the business side of things! We will be hiring new stitchers,  taking care of the accounting, and generally streamlining the process of it all. 

Last day to shop before our break is tomorrow so if you are need of some Modern June goodies shop soon!  Many thanks to all of you that have made Modern June bigger than ever before!  

What a weekend!

I am so exhausted from my wonderful weekend! Three and a half days of learning, mayhem and fun.

It all started out with me shutting down the studio early Friday afternoon, no internet was to thank for that! (totally my fault) Dear Husband arrived home early too so it was all "yeah, it's the weekend!!!" So Dear Daughter and I headed off to Target for some shopping! We really needed to reconnect with some good old fashion girl time, we have been having tween-temper issues. Three outfits later we headed for a yummy dinner for two.

This weekend was the VaHomeschoolers Association's big conference and to kick it off we attended the ice cream party and talent show. It was really nice to just participate and not organize the event like I had done the two previous conferences. All I can say is HS kids are so very talented. It was a great chance to hang out with old friends. It is always amazing to see just how much a child or teen can grow in a years time.

The next day I headed off to the conference alone, the family would arrive later in the afternoon to enjoy a Barefoot Puppet show, the story tellers story and the Science Museum of Virginia itself!

Let me be honest here, I didn't want to go, I have been trying to ditch my role as teacher for months now. Every night I would lay awake in bed searching for a better solution for my children's education. This all started last fall when we had our kids tested for learning differences, we found out that we were dealing with dyslexia and dysgraphia. This was very upsetting to say the least. As a parent we want to do what is best for our children, so all of a sudden I was in agreement with the professionals, I was told that I need to do things totally different and to do it fast before it was too late. Now you must now by now that I don't often do what I am told, I never have and shouldn't even try!

Well that was the biggest mistake, I buried all my intuition and my beliefs while I struggled to adapt a new way of teaching. Let me tell you, it was an uphill battle to no where! We all hated it, it was a horrible year for all of us. Basically, I just couldn't do it, I just could not do it their way so I was left feeling worthless and ready to call it quits on homeschooling all together. Basically if I had an extra $40,000 laying around they would currently be enrolled and a very fancy private school!

I have said for years that the VaHomeschoolers Conference is my annual HS booster shot, but this year it was that and so much more. This weekend I found my voice again. After this weekend I am ready to go back to my old ways with my improved set of tools and get to work. It is time for us to learn to love learning again and follow the path that is right for myself and my children.

To say the least is was a very long and emotional day for me and I was looking forward to a dinner alone, I needed to look over my notes so I could reflect and plan. I had just told my family that I would be home later, I told my BFF I need to have a good cry before getting home. But what do you know, instead of dinner alone with my handy notebook, I spent the next couple of hours in the ER! Dear Son broke his nose just outside the museum.

While playing on and around the giant granit Kugel of the earth he "smushed his face" right in to it and broke his pretty little nose. OMG, I have never seen that much blood in my life. Thank goodness there was a medic in the crowd and she helped up stop the bleeding. Once the bleeding had stopped we were able to see his nose and it was VERY clear that we needed medical attention. He was such a trooper, he really manned up! For such a traumatic and painful event he was actually very calm, despite the trembling, the trembling really freaked me out!

Mamma drama never stops does it? He is doing really well, with his big blue nose. The fracture seems to be best case scenario so I am not worried about it needing any more attention beyond a second set of x rays.

As for Sunday, I really don't remember Sunday! I attended the last session of the conference, a casual brunch with the key speakers. I was able to chat with my favorite speaker, Cindy Gladdis about where to go with my Right Brained Dyslexic child. Now that was advise I could follow!

Basically the rest of Sunday was filled with naps, ice packs, gaming and note reviewing. I have a plan, watch out! Oh, how can I forget the science supply catalogue? Dear Husband brought home a catalog from one of the vendors, and Dear Son has not put the thing down. He has been looking at all kinds of stuff. I didn't know I had a science guy, sweet!

Yesterday, I needed to attend to some work, man, emails and convos sure do build up fast don't they? I also got started on another round of chalk cloth banners and then I did my trip to the two local Hancocks for their 50% off notions, with an extra 10% off entire sale! You just gotta stock up on days like that... trim, needles and buttons!

We topped of the weekend off with a cookout at our neighborhood pool! I grilled while the rest of the gang frolicked in the frigid pool! I couldn't bare it, that was a cold that hurt! It was fun to catch up with old friends and relax pool-side! I could really get used to that! I decree that Wednesday supper is pool cookout night! I just might need to trick out another vintage picnic basket for myself!

I hope you all had great weekends too, but without broken noses and trips to the ER!

I am still with out a camera so I have shamelessly stolen these fun photos from here, there and everywhere!

Friday, May 22, 2009


Yes it's another one of those posts again! How do women do it? Worker, wife, mother? That is a pretty tall order isn't it? Now, don't get me wrong. I am not down in the dumps, I'm just amazed, that's all. Just totally amazed.

Last week when the kids were under the weather. I got caught up on work. Then, I took the weekend off and felt refreshed and ready to conquer my world. On Monday I had a new and improved school schedule in hand, Modern June in a good place and POOF, it all went to hell in a hand basket. How is that possible? Life, plain and simple. Life happens.

So here it is, it's already Friday and I'm all a-panic about what we didn't do, what we have to do this weekend, and where that will put me next week.

I figure there is only on solution, cloning! I need another me! Anyone know of a place I get that done? ; )

So here is to another day, to catch up and fall behind all at the same silly time! Cheers and good luck to all of us that are living life! And, the hope that we can all sit down in the shade, sip on Iced Tea (Sweet Tea Vodka) and read our Martha Stewart Living in peace!

A happy holiday weekend to you all! xoxo, Kelly

Thursday, May 21, 2009

spring and summer oilcloths

spring and summer oilcloths, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

The latest and greatest, 36 cheery and bright oilcloths to choose from!

Ladies and Gentlemen it is time to get outdoors, order that new oilcloth tablecloth for all those summer Barbecues now. The current turn around time is 2-3 weeks so order early and enjoy it all summer long.

Friday, May 15, 2009

New pretties!

Check out a couple of my new pretties. My mother-in-law, Jackie, gave me this fabu deviled egg dish for Mother's Day. And the bottom piece was a treasure I picked up on a recent girl date with friend Dawn. What an incredible find! The pretty footed cake plate only stands about 3 inches off the table.

I just love Milk Glass, it goes with everything else that I have, it is inexpensive and easy to find fun pieces or multiples if you wish. Thanks to my dear friend Janet, my great mother-in-law, and my own excursions I have a fun collection in the works!


It's been busy-busy here in Kelly Land. Between Modern June and Oilcloth Addict we sent out 42 packages this week. Wow, that has to be a record. Can you say this crafty mamma needs a weekend off! And that is exactly what I plan to do!

On Saturday I have a date with my DH to fine tune our schedules for the reminder of the school year (we are, as always, really behind, it is catch up time). I want to hit the Art:24 event especially the Green Indie Craft Show 12-8pm where Lark Studios, Sew Ono, Twist , Pretty Silly Things and many more will showing all there cool green products!

Then on Sunday I want to get some gardening done. I need some dirt on my hands. On Mothers Day Dear Son and I went and picked up some veggie plants and flowers. We need to get those bad boys in the ground ASAP. We will end the weekend at a birthday party at my BFF's house.

Wow, that sounds like a really great weekend. Yah for Friday! I hope you all have a restful and fun weekend!!!

xoxox, Kelly

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

In my next life...

In my next life..., originally uploaded by ModernJune.

please let me be a cat!

wisteria wars

All of this...

...used to be on this!  

Left unchecked for just one year the wisteria climbed up into the tree branches and engulfed the tree and the power lines like an evil snake.   This winter it became clear that the structure, tree, and power lines couldn't take another year of the wisterias rapid growth.  So, down it came.  We know that war is not over yet, the plant is only cut down and would love nothing more that to be allowed to grow back with a vengeance.  Sometime soon we will decide the future of the shed and pergola, then we will know if the wisteria can stay.  IF it has to go I don't look forward to that job one tiny bit!  

This summer I look forward to my lovely Red Velvet Mandevilla (Mother's Day gift to self) to cover that pergola, cuz in the fall it will have to come down.  


Monday, May 11, 2009

vintage scavenger hunt?

Sounds right up my alley!  

Friday, May 8, 2009

Love for Modern June!

In the last week Modern June have received some love from some super cool places!
Check out my interview at Mostly Mod!

I was also featured in a crafty article in the May issue of Richmond Magazine.

My pal, Nicole Lee, grabbed this etsy front page for me yesterday
while I was off-line for the day.

What an honor, thanks for all the love!!! xoxo, Kelly

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Is that my childhood bedding?

This is so much like my the bedding on the canopy bed. I got it when I was a 10 years old! I loved those kitties! You just gotta love Michael Miller fabric!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Strawberry Days

It's Strawberry Days at Feathernesters!! All month long you can sample an array of strawberry goodies. Here are just a few new items on Tea Room Menu; Strawberry Muffins , Strawberry Waffles, and Strawberry 6-Layer Cake. I can totally vouch for the Strawberry Muffin, Marc treated me to one when I dropped off their strawberry-licious oilcloth order. Next trip I am sampling that 6-layer cake! Strawberry has long been my cake of choice, my mom made for one every year for my birthday, my mother in-law took over the tradition, and it was also one of the three flavors of my wedding cakes. Can you tell I really like Strawberry Cake?

Well not only do they have a ton of strawberry yummies, they also ordered up a ton of strawberry oilcloth products from Modern June. Here is a peak of what you can find at Feathernesters....

Modern June Bubble Gloves

New Oilcloth Placemat Combos!

Fun new oilcloth Shopper Totes with Rick Rack!

I hope to have these new items listed in my etsy shop later this week.
For now you can find other versions of the shopper totes and placemats listed!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I can't take it any more!


Now, don't get me wrong I like a fair bit of clutter and chaos but this mess has got to go! I can not make on more thing in this place. This evening is clean up time!!! Wish me luck!