Monday, December 1, 2008

holiday weekend in photos

Day break, Wednesday morning

Divide and Conquer---show stock, Nicola Floral, Strawberry fields and the Fawn Shop.
We had a contractor in the house replacing a window sill, when he saw this his eyes bulged out and asked what in the world did I did for a living? I told him that my kitchen did not usually look this way. Holiday madness is taking over the house! My poor family!

One awesome way to spend a day off, Thanksgiving was so peaceful!

The kids cake! They just love to bake and decorate. I spent the day by alternating looking at a magazines and cooking with the kids. Heaven! I am so middle aged. : )
Statcounter code invalid. Insert a fresh copy.

My MIL's table-scape!

Look at those profiles, you can tell who belongs to who!

Isn't this T-shirt the best? Every crafty boyfriend and hubby should own one!
Don totally surprised me with it! Here, he flashes it a the dinner table.

Friday kicked off a two day tablecloth-making-palloza, it think I made a total of 8 tablecloths Here is an order for a great guy in California, I just love the great colors!
I bet his kitchen is fun, fun, fun!

After finishing up the tablecloths (Saturday) I headed out for coffee with my Richmond Craft Mafia posse, a well deserved break with my crafty chica's!

When I got home at dusk my whole family was just beginning to decorate the crazy tree's.
I joined in and we all had the time of our lives,
the kids enjoyed the cool night air and giggled endlessly!

On Sunday between sewing and shipping prep I joined "The Fawn Shop"
decorating party, more one this later!

Just a little bit goin' on! I need a vacation! Only 17 more days until
Modern June closes up shop for the holidays!


queenb said...

I dig the T-shirt your hubby is wearing!! that is too cute! I want one for my hubby too!!!
Looks like you had an awesome Thanksgiving! I love the lights in those trees. So incredibly festive. Can't wait to hear more on the deco group. Thanks for sharing!

erin taylor designs said...

hott tee- i'll have to get one for D. it should be the new rcm uniform!