2. Tree--Real or Artificial? Fake, and the faker the better! Last year I bought my dream tree, silver tinsel.
3. When do you put Christmas tree up? Before Modern June it was the day after thanksgiving. Don would run around shopping all day and I would decorate. It was great if I needed lights I would just call him and he would pick up everything I needed. Now, we do it all in shifts it takes days. I hate it, I like to do it all at once get the house all messy for one day and then bam done!
4. When do you take the tree down? I like it up for at least a week, we try to have a new years day party and I like it up for that!
5. Like eggnog? No way!
6. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, which is really funny since we so not religious people. The kids love-love-love it, they spend hours playing with it. This year it has faux fur serving as snow. I didn't remind them that it has never snowed in Jerusalem. LOL
7. Favorite gift received as a child? Well this one is easy, when I was 10 I woke up in a brand new canopy bed with kittens all over the bedding. It was magical, Santa did it all! It was the last year I truly believed. It might have been waking up as my father carried me from room to room that did it. : ) Even still, it was the best gift I ever got!
8. Hardest person to buy for? My in-laws, hands down. They want for nothing. How many gift cards can a girl buy?
9. Easiest person to buy for? Me of course! I am only kind of kidding. When the fourth (out of six) grandchild came along we all decided to stop buying adult gifts. So I started buying myself something that was really fun. I hardly ever go shopping anywhere other than Target and craft shows so I find all kinds of stuff I never knew I needed. So now I spend 50.00 on myself or I stuff my stocking, I have to say I am really easy to shop for!
10. Worst Christmas gift? Another easy one. I got the weirdest bronze 3D framed statue from me biological father the year I met him (age 25). It has a birds nest and a mommy and daddy bird feeding their young. It is totally bazaar, and pretty inappropriate coming from someone I never knew as a father. Needless to say it is hanging on a nail in the scary attic.
11. Mail or email a Christmas card? Mail, but I am so horrible this is a tradition I am hit or miss with. I mean to every year but often skip it. I am just not a card kinda girl.
12. Favorite Christmas movie? White Christmas and Holiday Inn. Favorite holiday special...Olive the other Reindeer.

16. Lights on tree? NOPE, not on the silver tinsel tree! I am getting a color wheel this year!
17. Favorite Christmas Song? Santa Baby!
18. Travel during Christmas or Stay home? STAY HOME! We made that a rule when the kids were young. That we never travel to see my family in Missouri at Christmas.
19. Can you name Santa's reindeer's? blitzen, donner, Rudolf, comet. Alright, that's it!
20. Angel or Star on Tree top? An angle for Maddie and Aidan.
21. Open presents on Christmas Eve or morning? The kids get to open two presents on Christmas Eve, they get new jammies and a new book every year. The rest are opened on Christmas Morning.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Being so busy and not really enjoying the joy of the season, you know when the fun stuff becomes a chore. That is not cool!
23. Favorite ornament? I have tons of favorites. Vintage ornaments make me giddy, the older the better! I got this one last year at TorMan in the bottom, I just could not resist!
24. What do you want for Christmas this year? My bathtub refinished, after 80 years it is just needs to happen! I know it won't happen but a girl can dream, can't see?
I saw this on someone's blog and I could not resist filling it out too! If you do it too, please let me know I want to see yours too!
OK Kelly...I am getting ready to do this too.
Peanut Butter Balls are my favorite!!! I make them every year...and only at Christmas!
oh gosh, your christmas bed story is so cute.
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