Thursday, August 28, 2008

Not back to school...

It's that time of year again. The time of year when I need to get all of my ducks in a row. Time to declutter ever tiny bit of the main floor (The bedrooms will wait for another time). It's also time to get all of Modern June back down into the studio. It's homeschool time again!

I'm really looking forward to this year, I have confidence like never before. I feel I am on the right path and that I finally know how to teach these little minds that I am to help mold. Now I am not looking forward to the $500.00 reading program bill to arrive. YIKES!

This week I have combed Ebay for textbooks only to get fed up and order them through private booksellers at Amazon. OMG that is so much easier and cheaper! Mental note: shop the used Amazon stores first! While I tidied up the bookshelves, I enjoyed culling tons of books we no longer need. I know have two and a half shopping bags to share with my buddies at the "Not Back To School Picnic. "

The other day I got out all my 500 different types of post-its and made my little (giant) schedule again. Seeing me working on the chart, Maddie simply asked with attitude "AGAIN?" Yes, again. I need my weekly schedule in my face, this way when I don't know what I should be doing on Tuesday at 10 am I have my post-its to guide me! Love the post-it note!

A trip to Target got me a few new bins for my piles. I embrace the bad habit; hey if you know you are going to end up making a pile you can at least make if pretty. Suzanne taught me that!

Today I made myself a new notebook listing my goals and the curriculum's that I plan to use, I also printed out tons of helpful (if you really use them) lists and forms. I added these to my "List Notebook." I found most of my lists at I took the time to make my own weekly assignment chart and now we have a schedule that contains a spot for Occupational Therapy and weekly Doctor visits. Love that. Note to self: USE THE DAMN LISTS!!!

Now all I need is for UPS to drop off our textbooks and we are set! YAY! Happy not back to school to you all!

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Many thanks, Kelly