I'm really looking forward to this year, I have confidence like never before. I feel I am on the right path and that I finally know how to teach these little minds that I am to help mold. Now I am not looking forward to the $500.00 reading program bill to arrive. YIKES!
This week I have combed Ebay for textbooks only to get fed up and order them through private booksellers at Amazon. OMG that is so much easier and cheaper! Mental note: shop the used Amazon stores first! While I tidied up the bookshelves, I enjoyed culling tons of books we no longer need. I know have two and a half shopping bags to share with my buddies at the "Not Back To School Picnic. "
The other day I got out all my 500 different types of post-its and made my little (giant) schedule again. Seeing me working on the chart, Maddie simply asked with attitude "AGAIN?" Yes, again. I need my weekly schedule in my face, this way when I don't know what I should be doing on Tuesday at 10 am I have my post-its to guide me! Love the post-it note!
A trip to Target got me a few new bins for my piles. I embrace the bad habit; hey if you know you are going to end up making a pile you can at least make if pretty. Suzanne taught me that!
Today I made myself a new notebook listing my goals and the curriculum's that I plan to use, I also printed out tons of helpful (if you really use them) lists and forms. I added these to my "List Notebook." I found most of my lists at Homeschoolmom.com. I took the time to make my own weekly assignment chart and now we have a schedule that contains a spot for Occupational Therapy and weekly Doctor visits. Love that. Note to self: USE THE DAMN LISTS!!!
Now all I need is for UPS to drop off our textbooks and we are set! YAY! Happy not back to school to you all!
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