Richmond Craft Mafia announces a new location for our Craft Lounge, Bogart's in the Fan will now be our host. Remember first Monday of the Month is CRAFT LOUNGE!
This month Erica Vess, of Bees Knees Studio and Otter and the Bee, will be showing us some cool felting techniques. Come and bring a friend!
7:00 Monday night Bogarts in the Fan 203 N Lombardy St
Check back again later there are more details to come.
Richmond Craft Mafia announces a new location for our Craft Lounge, Bogart's in the Fan will now be our host. Remember first Monday of the Month is CRAFT LOUNGE!
This month Erica Vess, of Bees Knees Studio and the Bee and the Otter, will be showing us some cool felting techniques. Come and bring a friend!
7:00 Monday night Bogarts in the Fan 203 N Lombardy St
Check back again later there are more details to come.
Modern June baby bibs are soon to sold at Carabella's. There you can get on of my oilcloth baby bibs monogramed. How fun is that? Here are the bibs before they go off to their studio! I am in love with the brown and pink combo.
Look what else you can find there! Oilcloth sippy cups! I love it! It looks like the dark blue on has the name Aiden. I would have loved this for my AIDAN! TOO CUTE!
Check out all these cool Etsy pick from Cicuska! I am so happy to be included in the strawberry fun! I tell you I could stop making all the other items and just make splat mats and still be plenty busy. Those splat mats are gonna rule the world someday! (OK, maybe just my little world)
Please check out her post for all the details on these super cute products! While you are there check out her fun shop. Here are my favorites, click on the pics to link to her shop!
What a waste of a week. First I was so sick from a cold that I spent the entire Lewis Ginter show coughing, then I hurt my back. We are talking big time hurting. I have been in bed all week. I have been getting up and sneaking in some sewing. I really have so many orders that really have to get done. What a mess. I am getting around a lot better thanks to Dr. Jo, my chiropractor from heaven.
For something much nicer to read about than my whining check out my crafty friends:
Hey that is Modern June! Look what I was told about today, Etsy Finds has a nice piece on wearing apron and Modern June on of the fantastic apron makers that is featured in the article. Wahoo, for the blue lace oilcloth apron.
While checking out the apron etsy find I found out something we all need to know about... Etsy Email! I will now be able to stay on top of all that is Etsy because I will now get all the information that I need straight into my in box! Why did I not see this before now? Cool stuff!
Last month I was thrilled to see this sign out side Nicola Floral. This is one of the shops that carries my aprons and baby items. It is only 3 blocks from our house, we saw it one day when my family was out for a walk.
How cool is that? It gives me that "my name up in lights" kind of feeling.
I love this bit of Bellevue it reminds me of the neighborhood that my Grr would often drive by on our way to the Country Club Plaza, it was full of gingerbread houses (1920's tudor style homes). I remember thinking how cool that you could have a place to shop right in the middle of the neighborhood. I also used to say I would grow up and live there. Well I live along way away from Kansas City but I do live in neighborhood just like that one! LOVE IT!
Ok, here it is craft show number 3 for 2008! Even thought I have the worst head cold ever, I am so excited to finally do this show! I made sure I didn't have another show to conflict with this one. I am looking to this show because it in my hood, well the next hood over if you want to get technical! I like shows that are more social than work, I know so many of the vendors and will get to see my neighbor/friends out shopping.
Check out these pretties out! They are for a clients Bridal party, The bride and her 7 Maids will be all ready for the Farmers Market with their Modern June Market Totes. I love knowing where my goods go! It makes it all worth while.
I need to crank out a bunch of these this week, I am all out of these fun oilcloth totes. My booth this weekend just can't be with out some.
Disclaimer to husband: Don't take this personally.
I need just a moment to complain about working at home! OMG! I mean how many times can I be interrupted? AND for the dumbest stuff. Last night it was I can't find my hair brush. WELL... too bad. This was after 25 "mom can you come read this with me!" READ IT YOURSELF OR TURN IT OFF! Last week, everyone was out of the house for 5 minutes, 5 MINUTES when there was a knock on the studio window and a child that had had an accident and needed a shower and fresh cloths. OMG. just when I think I can really roll and get something done in a timely manner I have to bathe a child.
Every day it is the same thing. Ok, that accident was really not normal but the rest is. If I were working in cooperate America would my VP tolerate this? Really easy answer, NO.
But on the flip side, I am there for the kids right. Every little moment I get to see and share in. I hope they see it that way and not grow up resenting that I was in my studio all day grumpy cuz they needed their Mommy. OK, it all just sucks. You can NOT win for losing. Ok, rant over! I am off to another interrupted day! And right on cue... Aidan just arrived at my side a whole hour before he normally wakes up. THIS MOMMA NEEDS A BREAK!
It was cold and it almost rained on us big time but we survived! I have to say our booth was super cute! My crafty girlfriend Beth, Monkey and Me, and I had a great time hanging out, being sassy and dishing the girl talk!
Hello all! I have been sewing my little fingers to the bone all week and to busy to post. It is crazy busy this month, like Christmas crazy. WOW, it is so very cool but exhausting.
I have something fun for you all... check out notes from my nest where you can find a Modern June giveaway along side some other really cool giveaways. Happy browsing and good luck!
That quote says it all. Yesterday was one of those days, a lot "went" on. It was a bittersweet day. One minute it was crazy, the next boring, the next peaceful and with a lot of fun in the mix too.
It started off at WTVR, where was I was showing the RCM wares on TV for a "Mother's Day Gift Guide." Thinking that it had to go better than last time, I was prepared and calm for the show. Best laid plans... I was totally thrown off balance by having only 2.5 minutes to set up 15 products. I just could not do it -- it was so impossible that the fabulous host of the show, Greg, came to my rescue, got the producer to "go to weather" first, and then the kind man helped me set up. We did it in 4.5 minutes. AAAhhhh, FREAK OUT!
Once outside, I needed a big meltdown so I dashed off to near by parking lot near by for a good stress cry. Silly but necessary. Next to the parking lot was the coolest building for rent, and fabulous! The perfect studio space for Modern June. A detached- mid century office building with great natural light, 4-6 minutes from my home. Just dreaming for now, but you know I am calling to find out the rent. Working at home is really the only option for now, but someday it would be nice.
I came home with Krispy Kreame doughnuts and a got a heroes welcome from my kids. Was it the doughnuts or the fact that Mommy was just on TV that awarded me this honor.? We all laid around chatting about the challenges of live TV and then surfed flickr for a while. The kids found this set of photos, featuring a really cool Missing Monster, very inspirational and set to off to create a stop motion animation piece. 350 photos later we went out for lunch.
We did take-out from Ukrops, Don and I enjoyed a nice quite lunch for two on the front porch. I love my front porch table, its just perfect for a quick meal!
Then it was off to a 2 hour long doctors visit that was so very exhausting! Never a dull moment in Mommy Land.
On the way home, Don and I checked out my "future studio space" -- he didn't like the stray dog, but loved the building. Once home, he took the kiddies to Maymont and I was actually bored for about 30 minutes! Too exhausted to get any work done I called my best friend Christi for a life update.
We then all had dinner together, before I dashed off to the Craft Lounge for friendship and a Margarita! This was fun but I was a bit spent by this time of the day.
All and all a lot went on! I need a day off to recover from my day off!
Maddie has a few friends in our neighborhood that she plays with all time but all they do is fight with each other. She comes home and spends 20 minutes telling me all the things that went wrong, all the nasty things they said to each other or worse what they said behind the others back.
Now I am tired of this! I have refused to listen for a while now but the other day I got sucked into it again. I told her about the attitude of the girls in the movie, Mean Girls, and how terrible they were. I told her how insanely awful they were and how their words really hurt. I told her that I would have no mean girl attitude from her and that her friend was not really being true to herself. I told her that I really did not like that her girlfriend was not being nice to the other little girl by trash talking about her behind her back... BLAH BLAAH BLAHHH. So I turned in to the Charlie Brown teacher and she walked away.
But, in a few minutes she came back to the kitchen and asked me a really great question. "Isn't that what girls do? Don't they talk about people behind their backs? Boys get into fights but girls use their words to hurt." I AM NOT LYING! Yes she said it all, she did, every single word!! Oh my, it is going to be a long and bumpy ride till 18. I was so shocked that she knew this at the age of 10 that I don't even know what I did or said. I just stood there thinking how right she was, so right about it all.