Well I just can not figure out what to do with my pink Alexander Henry fabric so I have moved on to blue world. Not all these are new aprons, some I have had at shows but have yet to list on my Modern June Etsy shop. Some are just being re-shot using my new camera tricks.

In addition to the Etsy Lab information I was lucky to have a quick photo class with Tasha and some other crafty divas. We all gather at Tashas house and had a how to set up a light box. With these pictures I am trying to set up a big ol' light box. I have a LONG way to go. I need to go shopping & get some proper lamps, daylight light bulbs and some more white fabric. But for today this will have to do. It is fun to play around with it. The kids have learned a lot today about light and shadow. So is that an art or science lesson?

I sent my awfully washed out photos to Tasha to get her opinion. I love her, she did some serious photo shop wizardry and got them to look this good. Now I need a photo shop how to. Tasha how about Tuesday? No seriously check out my listing for this blue cherry apron, the first shot is her doctored one and the other four are my doctored photos. She is good. I have a long way to go!!! Oh, help me.
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