Saturday, November 10, 2012

New Studio Project #1

As we prepare to move into a new studio over the next couple of weeks I am obsessing over one thing. Shockingly it's not paint color. Weird right? I am going with a stark white walls and concrete floors. The opposite of our home.

The large room that I will be occupying will also have a small storage area and my studio mates sewing corner. There just happens to be this cool track splitting the room at just the right spot. Now we don't expect to be there for very long, just 12 to 18 months tops, so I'll be making do on a lot of pretty projects. Every project for this studio 2.0 will have to be portable or be re-purposed.

So it looks like project #1 for our studio will be a room dividing curtain. I've done a lot of self conversing on what material to use. The psycho-babble has gone a little like this...

  • Oilcloth? No way, too stiff. 
  • Laminated Cotton? To expensive and to hot of a commodity. 
  • OK, cotton it is! 
  • Drapery Fabric? No, too ho-hum or too costly.
  • Vintage Sheets? Cool!! I like it... but wait aren't they going to be to short? Nope not long enough to go from ceiling to floor.
  • How about quilting cotton? OK, now we're talking! The weight will be just fine and we can mix and match panels to create a fun and funky look. Then if we want to use it for something else we can. 
I am hard person to talk with sometimes!! 
 Photo Credit Inga Powilleit via SF Girl by Bay
So here is my inspiration for my 9' x 16' room divider... Emily Chalmers' own loft/office curtain meets the bedroom found on page 140 in her book Modern Vintage Style.
Photo Credit Debi Treloar via Modern Vintage Style

I am going to use strips of quilting cotton to create this eclectic look. I doubt my print choices will be this Brady Bunch --not that I don't love that completely. No knowing me, I'll go more June Cleaver's kitchen curtains or better yet I'll find a mix of all the kitchen curtains on June Cleaver's block.

OK, enough dreaming head on over my Fabric Lust pin board to see what I'm shopping for and then head over to the Dream Studio board to see more fabu vintage wallpaper projects.

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