Thursday, November 8, 2012

Burnt out and sick...

It's impossible to know which came one first, the burn out or the sickness. Does one come with the other? Hmm... Or, is it just a bad timing? Actually I think that it's rather good timing. I am going to be completely empty and unable to find my creative fire I might as well have a cold from hell. And if I can't think because I have a head cold then I might as well shut down creatively. Right? Right.

I'm just thankful for a team of Junies that will cover me until I am back to my old self. My dear friend and assistant, Kathie, told me that it takes two PJ days to get going not just one. All I know is that now is not the time of year to have to shut down for mental and physical health reasons.

Meanwhile, I'm taking the time to dream of my next book. I have the table of contents taped to my lamp shade so I can plot and  problem solve. I am also resourcing new and vintage fabrics, props and supplies so I can get to work as soon as I can pry myself out of bed. My first deadline is on December 5th so I better get to it ASAP!! YIKES!

I also have a big surprise!! I am moving out of my home studio and into a studio space in a nearby neighborhood called Scott's Addition -- a cool industrial spot that is filling up with creative spaces and loft dwellers. It's seriously ugly right now but soon, very soon it will be amazing!! Check out my Pinterest board Dream Studio and Craft Room for all my inspiration.

So once I get my bad self together I am going to resume conquering the world, but for now, I am going to pry myself up and get dressed for the second time today so I can go and get my sweet girl from her classes and my son to his appointment. (No rest for the weary.)

1 comment:

  1. hope you feel better soon! your studio space sounds amazing! be well!

    xo ~ kristi


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Many thanks, Kelly