Monday, August 8, 2011

Behind the scenes: Book Trailer

I've been making a stop motion animation book trailer for my upcoming book Sewing with Oilcloth for the last two weeks. Boy, that was a labor of love! About 6 weeks ago the good people at asked me if I knew how to do such a project, I said no but I would happily figure out how to. It was one of those, "How hard can it be?' moments. Rrrringht! Well guess what, it's hard!

Thankfully, I had a lot of help. My son and I watched a ton of brick movie videos and then we figured out how to use iMovie. (Love the iMovie) My husband was supportive as well, he took the kids and ran the streets on day 4 so I didn't blow my top with people around. My daughter and I spent hours snapping pictures and editing them. It's been a real McCants family production!
 Over a hundred little cut outs helped me spell out the message!
The stars of the show? I realized early on that I needed something to tie it all together. Yummy Goods had cute owls and a unicorn to help tell her story, Oliver + S had sweet paper doll, and 123 Sew has that adorable mouse. So oilcloth to the rescue, I created sweet little dancing cherries!!

The trailer should be live later today!!! I'll keep you posted. : )
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1 comment:

Mary said...

FUN! Can't wait to see it!