Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: The chicken or the egg?

I was recently asked to join a new Etsy Street Team called Beautiful Home. The groups mission is to create Etsy treasury's featuring great all the great loot that could help us make our homes more lovely. It's very interesting how wide a range the design aesthetic has been so far. Shabby Chic, modern eclectic, country charm points of view have been expressed.

Well with out feather ado, here is my attempt at sharing my quirky and kitschy take on the age old debate, "What came first the chicken or the egg?" Some run of over and check out all the great stuff I found, click around and find some fantastic new Etsy Vendors!!!


  1. Ooh, Beautiful Home sounds like a nice team - gonna check that out!

    Dana @ Cooking At Cafe D


  2. Oooh, look at that grain sack!

    Commented on your treasury at


  3. The chicken in the glasses looks disctictly nervous about the fried eggs next door!! (tee hee)

  4. Oh my goodness Cate! I totally love your take on the chick plus!!!

    Love it!


Thanks for leaving a comment, I get so excited knowing that people are really reading my ramblings. I try to respond to every comment but sometimes life gets in the way so it might take a day or two.

Many thanks, Kelly