Thursday, April 30, 2009

Modern June Dream Vacation

The Grand Daddy Airstream Penthouse Trailer Park? Oh Yeah, DA-REE -MEE . Sign me and my Pattio Daddio up!! I would dye my hair black and get a Betty Page hair do for that vacation!

Bridal Shower Picnic Basket

One of my RCM friends is getting married in June. Ono's lovely ladies in waiting throw her a wonderful shower last weekend, it was a welcome break from my unending sewing-palooza madness of it all! We all go very dressed up, drank in the ice tea vodka in the afternoon and played fun shower games! My favorite game was the "design a tissue paper wedding dress" competition! It was too fun--gotta get a photo of that from Dawn!

My friend Beth and I went in together to create a special one of a kind picnic basket. Ono is a very green girl, her entire business is about re-purposing vintage cloths into fresh and stylish fashion. So we just had to start with a fantastic vintage picnic basket from Stiletto Girl Vintage! (she has the coolest type writer for sale). Then I tricked out the basket with some dishes from Target, some funky vintage napkins from Vintage Butterfly 94, bottles of wine, a brown lace splat mat and an oilcloth lining that was loaded with pockets. I hope to blog about the lining over the weekend.

In the end is was so cute that I was afraid I couldn't let it go! I love finding someone a gift that is totally them (and me)!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

still here

I am still here and still working my batookas off! If I were to blog I would say that I work a lot, I don't sleep a lot and I have two kids that need lots and lots of schooling. The End! I will try to have something better soon! ; )

Friday, April 24, 2009

inspiration and a busy week

I have been super busy this week. The kids got one more day off from school on Monday, this was only cuz I slept the day away. After that it has been business as usual. School, Doctor appointments, a trip to the movies -- Mommas back!

(cool stuff that would be great in my B&M boutique--a girl can dream)

I have also been super busy in the studio. I have 4 shops that need filling up right away. Nicola Floral got a new round of goodies last night and Strawberry Fields gets a bunch of new stuff today. Next week I take Feathernesters their hugh Spring Order, they have ordered a bunch of new stuff, I have a new cherry line coming out and they got first dibs. We also have a new boutique in the mix, for them a ton Oilcloth Party Banners and Shopper Totes have been cut and are ready to be sewn.

(I wish my studio looked like this!)

I have been the loan sewer for the last week or two, pregnancy and motherhood took my beloved April back for a bit. (Still missing you!) The cutters have been working like mad Junies, all the pieces are cut and I am faced with a ton of sewing for the next 8 days. Scary but doable!

(More fun stuff I would carry in my little shop)

I have a great new addition to the Junie crew this week, I found someone to take over shipping and handling. Yeah for Gracie! And today a new stitcher grabs her first round of stitching. I am very excited and then another stitcher that can start cranking early next month. I am so excited, I need some sleep! Modern June is growing and I need my Junies!

Have a great one! BTW, the photos are of my inspiration wall. The post needed some eye candy.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Shout of for Spring Bada Bing!

Photo Credit Mark Gormus / Times-Dispatch

We had a great show! Check out this great article at the
Richmond Time Dispatch Website.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

the BIG show today

C'mon out and see me, and lots of other vendors today at Planet Zero. Admission is FREE!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

that is a lot of swag!

that is a lot of swag!, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

silly squirrel

CIMG1633.JPG, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

He did get himself out and is a hurry too.
Someone might have banged on a window to freak him out but I am not saying who?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

random shopping

So yesterday there was a really cool RED laundry line thingy (sold) on the front page of Etsy, I got so excited because I thought it was a card shuffler. Oh man, I have such great memories of my Grr's card shuffler. When I spent the night with her we would stay up and play canasta, and I would shuffle the four decks of cards needed. So I could not rest until I found one for my very own, ebay to the rescue. Wish me luck I have a bid on the one above.

Now I need to get this so I can teach us how to play. My Grr had to teach me time and time again.

Monday, April 13, 2009


I love me some vista print! Look at all the cool loot I have ordered. I got most of this for show swag for Sunday's Spring Bada Bing. I love ordering from Vista prints, if you do it right all you pay is shipping, gotta love that!

I also have great new tags, look three sizes some thing for every product. I love the finished look on the outgoing products. I feel like a grown up biz.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

what a lovely sunday

Easter creatures, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

Yesterday was a beautiful day! I love Easter Sunday, we do our little traditions and then relax. What is better than a day off with lots of chocolate and deviled eggs in the house?

easter silliness, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

I could barely keep my hands off the rake while the kids hunted for eggs. The backyard still had more than its fair share of oak leaves laying around and keeping the grass from growing. I wish I was better about that kind of thing, but Fall turns into Winter, and I can't be bothered to venture out of doors. Today was my day to get out there and commune with nature in all its hard working glory. For hours I raked and swept up all the leaves, acorns and winter debris. Man, my arms are out of shape!

hunting eggs, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

Before we had kids, DH and I lived in a lovely house in The Fan. Our landlords were very cool, and let me play in the dirt. I was out there every Sunday diggin', planting and weeding that tiny little front garden. Our elderly next door neighbor call me a "Seventh-day Gardenist"-- he would laugh and say that I was in my own little church. I think of ol' Woody everytime I am out finding some peace in my garden.

It is chilly here today, but very beautiful. Dear Husband said it right when he mentioned that "at least it looks like a perfect spring day." Normally we would head out to the Easter Parade or Maymont but Dear Son hasn't been very comfortable in crowds lately, so we decided against putting ourselves in a situation that he (and we) would not enjoy.

Movieland, movies in the city!, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

In the afternoon we went to see Aliens vs. Monsters at the new Movieland theatre. Man, 3-D has really gotten great! I can't tell you how nice it is to see a first run movie in the city of Richmond. It only took us 3 minutes to get there!!! The thing that big-business doesn't get, is that city dwellers HATE to have to go to the burbs to shop and be entertained. The movie was great and the theatre was incredible! They took an old railroad foundry and turned it into the coolest multi-plex theatre imaginable, full of artifacts and even old rail road tracks right in the middle of the parking lot pay tribute of the buildings history.

CIMG1593.JPG, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

Later that evening DH and Dear Daughter went off for dinner at his folks house. DS was still not 100%, so he and I had dinner and a movie in my bedroom. We snuggled up and he fought to keep me awake--in the end sleep won out and I missed the end of The Iron Giant for the third time.

What a great day. For about a year now I have been struggling to have Sundays off, no sewing, no shipping, no work of any kind, but there just isn't enough time during the week to get it all done. For now, I will be thankful for the random Easter Sunday.

Hey, maybe a better goal would be one Sunday a month! I could make that work.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Spring!

Happy Spring!, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

Our best batch yet!

New Book!

Check out the new book I just ordered! The ever talented Betz White has some great looking projects in store for us, Sewing Green has 25 projects made with repurposed and organic materials. I can't wait after the show and taxes, I am doing something just for the family!

BTW, you CAN NOT live a happy sewing life without one of her cupcake pin cushions! I mean it you gotta have one or better yet make one!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

controlled chaos

I am in full production! I have loads of wholesale orders and the big Spring Bada Bing show next weekend. Yesterday as all about our Oilcloth Party Banners, sorting and prepping. Tonight I am finishing them off. I love having stock on the shelves. What a happy feeling!

We are adding a new design into the mix, Chalk Cloth on one side and oilcloth on the other! This was a special request from the Dallas shop, The Gypsy Wagon. I love when I get great requests like that, some times people know just what I want to make! I have been wanting do these for a while now. Fun stuff! Who knew the our original oilcloth bunting could get any better?

Now if my new hang tags would just get here I could get all this out in the mail! UPS where are you?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Technical Difficulty!

OK, I must have some bad electronic mojo going one! First my printer/copier won't work and then my internet connections dies! What's next, oh, I did not just ask that. So 2 1/2 days with out internet almost killed me, it was amazing how many times I would find myself in front of the computer mindlessly checking my email. Forget the fact that I love to feel loved by my friends and family, the major issue was work! I never really thought about that issue, when you have an online biz you really need online access!

But I am back and I am glad of it! I have fun stuff so share like fashion shows, tons of new aprons and the after shot of my pantry. But for now I have be a grown up and to get to shipping and printing. I will return later today with something fun!

Friday, April 3, 2009

craft lounge!

Come and join us for some crafty fun! Craft Lounge is this Monday, April 6, at Fleur Fabrics.