Tuesday, March 24, 2009

oilcloth lined baskets

OK, I am so ever loving tired today. I was up really late getting the pantry loot out of my kitchen. I didn't want to wake up to it today so I did it all last night. Bad idea, now I am worthless. Better to have messy kitchen then have a mom that is a mess!

Check out the linings I made for my fabulous alley find. I found two of these great baskets in my alley before a neighborhood clean up day. I couldn't let the beauties go the way of the landfill.

So last night I lined them with some great oilcloth, check out the OILCLOTH ADDICT for the details.

How good looking is this? I love my weathered wire baskets even more. Here are two great uses for my super fun baskets. You could stuff it with laundry detergents, this is so easily cleaned you won't have to worry about spills.

Or, You could do what I am doing and fill it up with Party supplies. I now have all my paper products in one place. Now I can just pull the box down and get the party started. Don't forget to replace your stash after the party so you will be set for your next shindig!

Today I need to make a ton of oilcloth trays in my new color scheme. I will be making them for my kitchen linens. That tutorial made the Craft Magazines blog! What an honor, thank you Craftzine.com peeps!

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Dawn Anderson said...

wow - if you can do all this on no sleep, there's no telling what you can do when you are well rested! they look great!

a.love said...

I love your basket liners! How great!