We need a few good volunteers! Volunteers will do things like help vendors unload/load their cars, help shoppers find their way around, pass out show maps, and generally keep things running smoothly. You can stay for part of the day or all day long. Volunteers get a free admittance to the Ticketed Preview Party on Friday night and our never-ending love and affection.
Friday Volunteers are needed to help folks unload and setup in the afternoon, between 4pm and 7pm. We will have a large number of vendors trying to get into a somewhat car-challenged space, and need some active, afternoon helpers to keep things moving.
Friday Show Volunteers are needed from 7pm - 10pm to assist customers and generally keep things running smoothly.

Take-Down Volunteers are needed from 4:30 to 6pm, to help vendors pack up and clean up the facility.
Interested in volunteering? Send an email to Kelly@modernjune.com.
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