What a crazy Christmas! Let's start off back before Thanksgiving... I have never ever been that swamped with work since my days on the movie sets doing wardrobe. Yikes, 12 hour days 7 days a week. I estimate that I constructed at least 89 aprons in less that 25 days. Man oh man, can you say burn out? But I am not complaining just amazed and tired still.
Just after I sent my last Modern June packages out in the mail, finally got the house completely decorated for the holidays and made my very first real family meal in weeks I received the call that my Grandma, My Grr, had passed away. Even though I knew this day was coming I still was overwhelmed with grief. I was not at all prepared for this. The woman that way always there for me and my family was gone. But trust me she still make us laugh. She was a very happy woman always smiling and laughing.

Friday before Christmas I hopped on a plane and made my way home to Missouri. But what a time to go. I would miss my dear sweet Maddies 10th birthday, going to see Santa and Christmas Eve.
Maddie and I were lucky to have 3 wonderful people to take part in making sure that Maddies birthday was in good hands. Janet posted a Happy 10th Birthday sign on our front window. And Don took good care of the the kids even though they were all having melt downs that day. That he was still sane is all I could ask for! But Christi was the best ever! Christi gave my birthday girl a wonderful dinner and play date. What a wonderful distraction for Maddie, Aidan and Don. Janet and Christi I can't thank you both enough! I owe ya big time : )
Meanwhile in Missouri I was thankful to be busy helping out with all the preparations for the services. My wonderful Aunt Peggy had things so well planned. I can't imagine all the things that she learned that week. All the little details that go into making such a wonderfully special memorial. She had the most wonderful idea of making memorial boards, photos of all the people that surrounded my Grr with love. I was to put my crafty-ness to work. I was just glad to have a hand in making sure everyone could see what a great life we were given thanks to Mary Moylan Lewis, my Grr.

I arrived back safe and sound in-spite terrible turbulence and icy runways. My plane got me home just before Santa arrived. I think I was home before 1:00 a.m. Desperately I tried to go to the grocery store and Walmart to try and get a Christmas dinner. I had not thought of this until I was changing planes in some very cold city up north. No Christmas ham for us!
When I arrived home Don and I stayed up and did all the wrapping, well I was not much help really. But I tried anyway. I did fret over all the little traditions that did not happen they way they should, about the nice dinner that we would not have. I went to bed all upset that this would not be the best Christmas ever.

Boy was I wrong, we had the most wonderful time. In our jammies all day long, napping or cuddled up reading and playing all day. And thanks to my m.i.l. I was able to make a diner version of a turkey dinner, Open face turkey dinner. Yummy! So all and all, as long as we have each other we can't go wrong!
Merry Late Christmas everyone.
Oh honey, I've been wondering what was going on with you, but I figured it was just you collapsing after being WAY too busy. I had no idea that you had all of this going on. I'm so glad you were able to go home and that the memorial was so nice. Hugs.
I am sorry to hear about your grandmother. I ended up being sick for most of the month of Dec and through Christmas. It made it hard and I thought it would ruin it but the kids loved just having a mellow holiday, being cozy inside and just letting them play all day because I was too sick to worry about cleaning.
Hi C.
How are you doing girl thanks for the love!
Hey rockergirrl,
I am sorry to hear about you being sick!
When I was waiting for my grounded flight on Christmas Eve I was thinking about the Christmas's that seemed RUINED by illnesses, like the one when my son had 105 degree temp that I was sure would land us in the Hospital at midnight 12-24... How can Santa come if your at St. Mary's?
I realized that we won't remember the GREAT ones the perfect ones that went off with out a hitch we will remember the special ones that were different and exciting. Peaceful in hindsight! Like the last one that we both had!
Take care I hope the babies are well and you grown ups too!
xoxoxo K
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