It's strawberry season in Virginia. This is the second year Christi and I have met at a great farm in King William County. Right Christi? The strawberries were small but yummy, and oh so lovely. The rows were filled with these little blossoms. First we pick, and then off to her house for a sugar extravaganza for the kids.

Aidan opened up here with Christi, he is usually my quite one. Not yesterday. He talked and talked to her, AND got along with Charlotte. Aidan's not into babies or toddlers -- he never has been. I love the way children grow when you least expect it. See the tall grass in the background the kids go adventuring in there? Last year they all got lost and freaked out. This year they did not go in but so far, and stayed close together. They did not want another freak-out incident! Smart kids.

Maddie and Charlotte wandering the fields.

bugs and blossoms

Issac's creation

Asa and Maddie's culinary masterpieces

Aidan's first smiley face went head first over the table and splatted onto the floor. Good thing they have a dog. It was really messy!

I like this photo for the background as much as the chocolate guy treat!

Issac and Charlotte

They all did this and then ran around asking us if they had SOUL!

Meanwhile Charlotte let loose and had a sugarpalozza! I have not seen a child have such a massive sugar rush in a long time! She sang everything she had to say, like an operetta or musical.

Remember chick day? Well here they are 4 weeks later.

Here are the latest chicks, laid and hatched by Christi and Duncan's older hens. They have enough eggs for all now! This is all so new to me, something I would NEVER EVER do, so I am fascinated by it all! I must have taken 3 dozen pictures of these chickens just this year.
Love the creative culinary creations. Yummy!
Is it really time for strawberries? Seems to early. I'm probably confused by all the unseasonably cool weather we've had.
What's the name of the farm? Tracy and I were talking about going strawberry picking.
THAT looked like a fun day. I'm hoping to sneak in some strawberry picking next week. Hope there are some left :)
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