Wednesday, April 4, 2007

A sneak peek

Here's a little sneak peek of my new half aprons. Yippe! The rack filling up again. I will photograph these next week, June (my mannequin) is out on assingment this week. She is hanging out with Suzanne, from Silver Tree Art. June will be playing the part of Jesus in an easter presentation at her church. Isn't that a hoot. You should have seen the two of us carring this 6 foot, size two, big headed girl into the church. I was really afraid that someone would think we were carring a dead body.


  1. ooo...I can't wait to see them in person!

  2. Half aprons are very nice...though I'd have to tie them up under my arms to keep myself clean :)

    of course, who'd wanna get on e of those lovely gems dirty ?



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