Monday, April 16, 2007

The Boss of all Craft shows


  1. i *may* be able to catch the very last 45 mins ...I have to work 7-3p this Sunday :(

    Hope you have a blast !!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. that's a bummer!!!

    let's look into your future... Yes I see it, on sunday afternoon you are going to get a terible migrain headache at about 2:00... you will be forced to leave work... but as you drive down broad st. right as you get to cutshaw ave you will have a miraculus recovery and be able to stop off and see me and the ton of coolie crafty chicas and chico's

    yep that is your future i see it so clearly


Thanks for leaving a comment, I get so excited knowing that people are really reading my ramblings. I try to respond to every comment but sometimes life gets in the way so it might take a day or two.

Many thanks, Kelly