I need to make something. Now do not get me wrong I am caring for little ones and older one's and that is a wonderful job to have. I have painted a room, twice (don't ask) with lots more fun to come. I have been "Super Organizer" and tackled some problem areas. I finished The Hobbit and started reading The Lord of the Rings. But that is not satisfying me right now; nothing makes me feel better than making something great. And if the project is quick all the better. I was such a workhorse prior to Christmas. I had to work hard just to not have a project going in my hands. Here I am ready to work, but we need to get school back on track (I homeschool). Boo Hoo I need to craft. Let's see craft or sleep? And it is not one of those I can go into the studio and gather stuff I already own and whip up something fabulous. No I need to shop! I need a fresh piece of fabric. I need great trim. Crazy color combos that I have yet explore.
I had this idea while at the Bowling Alley on New Years Eve. Bowling from 6-9 on NYEVE is our new tradition. They gave us party favors and had a count down the kids loved it. And we were all in bed by 9:45 safe and cozy! ANY WAY...my little girl was wearing this great shirt. It is totally Maddie!

I love the grey tone on tone. I am having a pink, lavender and orange ric rac dream. I am thinking Tote! And apron. And head bands. Too much a good thing is overkill I know. Maddie picked out the great pink buttons yesterday. She promised I could use on or two. We shall see.
Oh I need one hour at a fabric store and I am golden! Not to mention 3 to 4 hours all alone. One can dream!

Check out the pretty, crazy lights. Sensory o-v-e-r-l-o-a-d....... do you know they have music videos blasting? I was mesmerized. It was 1984 all over again
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