Thursday, February 20, 2014

The end of an era...

Over the last few months I've learned some very hard lessons. And, all of these lessons have led me to the same decision: as of February 28, 2014, Modern June will be taking it's last custom orders.

By the middle of last month, I knew that the time for a change had arrived. A number of issues were coming to a head: a slow January, financial difficulties, and poor planning. I realized that I couldn't reach every goal I had from Modern June at once, no matter how hard I worked towards them. Money and time only stretch so far.

So, I did what most businesses do when things slow down and immediately downsized. Let me tell you, it felt like hell letting some of my Junies go. I felt like a failure. I felt that I couldn't meet my goals. I couldn't grow my business, take care of my people, make a profit, and be everything to everyone.

One week later, I found myself dealing with a family emergency. And in that moment, all of my Modern June concerns paled by comparison. Out of respect for those I love most, I won't go into the details, I will simply say that my priorities became very clear, very quickly.

Now, after spending the last 3-4 weeks away from the studio I can see things more clearly. I have had way too much on my plate for years. The changes I seek aren't failures, they are growth. Over the past few years, there are so many creative ventures that I've had to put on hold while managing the day-to-day flow of custom work. And, even with a very talented team of Junies, it still took all of my focus just to manage custom work and stock products.

When one door closes, another one opens, right? Right!! So what's next from Modern June? Moving forward Modern June, the Oilcloth Addict will be offering a smaller range of stock items and focusing more on DIY.

I've been busy constructing a new where Modern June goods will nestle up with Oilcloth Addict's fabrics. I've been designing new fabric patterns for Spoonflower. And most excitingly, I'll be promoting my upcoming book At Home with Modern June, which releases in less than a month. So, I have a lot of fun in store for us all!

I'm very thankful for my team, I am grateful that I got to know you and work with you all! Thank you so much for your support over the last 8 years--I couldn't have done it with out each and everyone of you.

Here's to the future!! Cheers! 


  1. thank you so much for your honesty and openness, as someone who tries to run a small business out of my home and seem to be way overwhelmed with it, I too have been coming to the realization that maybe I am letting my family down daily as I try to keep the business going. My prayers are with you as you take this new direction.

  2. Kelly, it sad to hear about the hard decisions you've had to make, but we are so excited for all your new ideas!
    Can't wait for your book! Will you be doing any book signings?
    (Faded Velvet)

  3. Donna,
    I'm very excited to see where we go from here! Yes, I'll be doing book signings and demos! Can I come to your place and do one? I'll be attending the Ohio Country Living Fair again!


  4. Kelly, I congratulate you. It was a very brave thing for you to decide. I support you completely.
    I struggle with my tiny business. I work outside my business to continue health benefits that I cannot be without. Sometimes, it becomes too crazy and foggy. I love my business totally but reality is just that. Real.Best wishes and you will find a heap of continued successes behind other doors, I just know it!


Thanks for leaving a comment, I get so excited knowing that people are really reading my ramblings. I try to respond to every comment but sometimes life gets in the way so it might take a day or two.

Many thanks, Kelly