Sunday, June 23, 2013

It's been a long time...

I have been totally off my blogging game, haven't I? Well, let me tell you what I've been up to!

This winter and spring I wrote my second sewing book. Writing a book is hard. Silly me, I thought that the second book would be so much easier. Ha! Writing patterns in word form is hard for me, I'm so right-brained. In the past, I never read patterns--I can just look at a pattern piece and know instantly how it all fits together. Visual to a fault I guess. If I could do sewing "picture book" I'd be golden!

Writing a book while homechooling your kids is super hard. Thankfully, my hubby took the reins and kept the ball rolling in my absence from our normal life. My kids are now doing school through the summer in order for us to catch up; flexibility is one of the perks of schooling at home. They don't seem to mind, it's just our way of doing things. Trust me, they have had plenty of down time.

Writing a book while running a rapidly growing business would have been impossible if it weren't for my super team of Junies!! As I got busier and busier with the book, the Junies took on more and more. There were some growing pains along the way, but things have worked out well.

Kathie became our Studio Manager, which is funny, since she works from home 90% of the time. Kathie is my sanity and my company's brain. Geneva is the Oilcloth Addict and Modern June cutter and chief tablecloth maker. She's right out of the VCU Fashion department and a real hard worker!! And then there's Nicole, who's been with me the longest. I'm grateful that she continues to make room in her own company's development to come and sew for me several times a week.

These ladies are awesome, and I could not have done this book without them. We are really building a strong Modern June together!

So, back to the book. Originally it was slated to have 30 patterns, but that has been slimmed down due to page count (which is okay with me, that leaves me with some patterns for the next project). I can't wait to share more as the publishing date grows near. So what I can tell you? Well, I can tell you that this book is not just about oilcloth! And April 2014 seems so far away.

On top of writing and editing, all of the photos were taken at my home. That was a nightmare!! There I was finishing up patterns, making samples AND worrying about the scratched up baseboards. Prepping for a home for a photo shoot is work enough!! I swear, I didn't sleep the whole month. It was a real shame that it all had to happen at the same time. I would have really enjoyed styling the photos for this book more if it was the only job I had to do. In the end, the editors where very happy. It was nice to receive a gushing email from my editors the day after I sent in Meghan's lovely photos.

You'll notice that this post is photo-free;  trust me, it pains me to hold out on you, but it's all top secret for now.

For your visual entertainment, I invite you to check out my favorite new passtime, Instagram! Follow me, The Modern June, and I'll follow you back.

And come back tomorrow for lots of pretty pictures from the very first Country Living Fair in Rhinebeck, NY

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Many thanks, Kelly