Monday, June 11, 2012

Garden Break

I spent all day working on my new inventory, accounting and ordering system, AKA Stitch Labs! When I say all day I mean all day. I was up and working at 6:30 and I didn't stop till 5:00. Now don't feel too bad for me, I had some good times too. I helped kids with their math and I listened to a Myth Busters mini-marathon (homeschool science class) while I plugged away at my numbers.

But come 5:00 I had a massive brain block. No. More. Numbers!! So I treated myself to some garden time. Of course, the minute I got out the back door it started sprinkling. I refused to be detoured. 

I planted my basil and some lavender, finally. I've had these plants for more than I care to admit. I weeded a bit. I caged my tomatoes and then hit the hammock! After a bit of rocking I took stock of what's in bloom in my garden...

 Our old arbor has a great patina!
 The fairy roses are right out the studio window... so pretty!
 I can't tall you how wonderful these white beauties smell, sometimes it just 
wafts through the entire house
 Pretty red roses that came with the house!
 Rose buds make me giddy!
 Our glorious persimmon tree!!
What's growing in your garden?


  1. How pretty. Sadly, nothing is growing in my garden. :(

  2. I've been there too! Trust me, I didn't show you everything!! : )


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Many thanks, Kelly