Craft Lounge
Monday, March 3
7 to 9 pm
The Camel
1621 W. Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23220
Come out for a social get-together centered around all things crafty sponsored by the Richmond Craft Mafia.
There are some really cool crafts you can make from shrinky dinks. Think custom earrings, key chains, the possibilities are endless.
If shrinky dinks aren't your thing, bring your embroidery hoop, your knitting needles, your pliers and wires, or whatever and come on down. Have a coffee or a beer, and rub elbows with other local crafters. This is a great opportunity for the crafting community in our city to get together and keep growing! Cities like Portland, Detroit and Austin are well known craft meccas and Richmond Craft Mafia wants you all to help us put Richmond in those ranks! We can share information (and supplies - more info on that soon), form some bonds, and enjoy a really cool atmosphere.
Sounds like fun!