Wednesday, July 29, 2009

almost ready!

WOW WEE, what I crazy ride trade show prep is! Even though I still have Etsy Orders to whip up and about a hundred and fifty small details to attend to I am getting really excited for our departure! I can't wait to be in the van tomorrow. Here are few random pics from the Modern June crazy town.

The gorgeous Nicole of Nicola Floral, photo by 425 Studio!

four new Junies

A stack of finished look books!


banner, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Modern June Oilcloth Swacthes

Modern June Oilcloth Swacthes, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

So I'm getting it all ready for that big old trade show! Last night I spent evening getting these. Why is it that what you think is just a simple project takes hours and hours? They turned out great, I love the binding at the top, it is the same as the Signature Binding on our Deluxe Splat Mats and most of our Oilcloth Tablecloths. Details, it's all in the details.

binding, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

Friday, July 24, 2009

list mania

list mania, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

There is only 6 days until we leave for the big BMAC show so it's all about the list or shall I say lists! Because one list is not enough I now have five lists going! One list with 5 columns wasn't working and mini lists were only getting me through the hour work (not a bad thing) so printed off a check list from the web and life is better now. I have a to make list, a to do list, to purchase list, a to take to philly list, and a to print list. The great thing about all these lists is that when you only look at one it actually seems doable!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

what the neighbors must think...

my house..., originally uploaded by ModernJune.

Because our house sits at ground level, you can see straight into the house - all the way through to the dining room. In the dining room June stands sentinel. I often wonder what the neighbors must think. I can hear them now..."that's the house with the freakishly tall white woman with no arms and a big head!"

cool oilcloth item

I love this! I need this!!! Check out Hambone Designs cool bike bags over at Etsy.

Monday, July 20, 2009

to market, to market!

Photo credit: The Rosen Group
Buyers Market of American Craft Pennsylvania Convention Center Philadelphia, PA

Today, the four of us Richmond Etsy Street Teamers that are going to the wholesale market in Philly, met up for a meeting. We did our paperwork and made our plans for the upcoming Buyers Market. During the meeting we chatted about layout we have a nice large corner booth, booth # 1218. After looking over the floor plan I realized just how hugh this show is. Check out these photos of past shows at Wendy Rosen's photo page. Isn't that really amazing. I really am excited.

I'm one lucky woman!

I'm one lucky woman!, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

Hey, look at what I just got in the mail today, a tiny little package with my name on it. I was very curious, I have not enjoyed any retail therapy in ages, well... not online anyway. Inside I found this sweet necklace from Etsy seller, Steam Trunk Studio attached was a card that says, "your husband loves you!"

Thank you sweetheart, I love you too!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

SALE on all Oilcloth Tablecloths

Modern June hasn't had a sales event in ages! I say we celebrate with a mid-summer sale on Custom Order Tablecloths in the fun and functional Oilcloth! Oilcloth is perfect for both indoors and out! We have over 36 oilcloths to choose from! Modern June tablecloths are available in Round, Rectangle/Oval and Square. Hurry, offer ends July 24th.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

my thinking place

Today I went to Forms and Fixtures looking for display pieces I realized I really wanted to be at Caravatis. This has always been my most favorite place to think. I can wonder the warehouse undisturbed amongst the old doors, claw foot tubs and iron gates and problem solve. I started doing this when I was renovating our 1920's home. There is something about being surrounded by architectural salvage that gets my creative juices flowing. As always, I left inspired.

If these were not 3 and 5 hundred dollars, (yes, your heard right) a piece
I could see them having a great hook and displaying Modern June aprons.

Now this is what I am talking about!
My dream trade show booth involves one of these bad boys for display!
I can see June standing next to it now in show room glam!

Ever since my college days I have loved tin ceilings. I see a back splash in this pile.
Here is a cool display idea for a B&M shop, frame the tin tiles with
salvaged trim and place a fancy hook near the top to showcase an apron on an hanger. FUN!

Imagine the oilcloth Stocking hanging on one of these pretties.

While, I won't be doing any of this for this show it is very fun to dream.
Maybe next time, with a booth of my own and a lot more lead time!

As I left someone asked me I found what I was looking for and I said yes... "I found inspiration".

Friday, July 17, 2009

Trade Show Prep - Signage

I woke up this morning thinking of Booth Signage, I love that about myself, the old unconscious brain problem solving while I sleep the night away, that must have been the cause for the killer head ache I woke up with.

I have always wanted to DYI a banner that looks like my business card and banners, the Blue Forever Oilcloth with the logo and stitching. To do this wouldn't be hard but it would be time consuming, too bad time is not a luxury I have right now. Plus, I worry about it being to crafty looking, for this show we need polish!

So now what? Big printing company, on line indy or local? Again, time is my enemy, I really don't have time to sit and search all day. So off to my crafty peeps for the 411. A quick call out on the Richmond Craft Mafia, a look around The Switchboards and the Etsy forums for some opinions.

So far I like Empire for it's easy to follow form, it made me realize that I liked the idea pole pocket instead of Grommets.

Trade Show Prep - Apron Display

Today I am working on my booth display for BMAC! First up apron display! If I had an endless supply of money, I would order 4 of these right now! Alas, money is an issue, I could call up my costume shop buddies and see what I can beg, borrow and steal, but getting them there would be a bear. Hmm... what else could I do?

If I can't get enough dress forms I am thinking about going with these, they are a bit to fluffy and "scrolly" for Modern June, aren't they?

I am looking for something like this but with shoulders.

Oh yay, I found a great solution for the full aprons. If Forms and Fixtures doesn't have these here in Richmond I am going to order the top part of this display but buy the tall base locally.

Now I need something for the hostess aprons. More later, I have to prep for shipping day!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

another new apron

You know me, I've got loads of tricks up my sleeve. This is another of the new apron patterns that I developed last winter, no wait, I designed this one in the winter of 2008. I knew it was there waiting for just the right time, a time when I would need something fresh and exciting to showcase. It's off to Philadelphia Buyers Market for this bad girl!

So help me out here, what do we name her? Every apron needs a name, but I am drawing a blank on this one. The best I could come up with is Desperate Donna, a play on Donna Reed and Desperate Housewives. But the problem is is that every time I say it I start singing "Oh Donna" from Hair - not so good.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

15 minute Farmers Market

15 minute Farmers Market, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

I promised the kids I would not dilly-dally at yesterdays farmers market and I aim to please! Even though the place was packed with my crafty peeps I kept my promise!

So far I have enjoyed a wonderful BLT and the most wonderful open faced tomato sammie. Whole-Wheat Toast, tomato, cheese and oregano broiled to golden goodness!

Tonight we are having sautéed squash from our garden and tomorrow we grill eggplant and fresh corn! Then we will make salsa with Amy's salsa basket ingredients. How fun!

I LOVE summer!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Buyers Market!

I just received some terrific news! Modern June and some other members of The Richmond Etsy Street Team are going to be showing their wholesale lines at the Buyers Market of American Craft! This is the big time peeps. WOW! I am pretty nervous but totally excited! My very first Wholesale Market!

Did I mention that it is only 17 days away? Yah, sit on that for a minute! Well, the line sheets are nearly ready for professional printing, a press kit is researched but not underway, and product samples now have a rack of their own. It's gonna be a wild ride so wish me luck!!!

Mini Goals

Do you know that dreadful feeling of "now what do I do"? There are so very many things I need today (that I need to do right this minute) but where do i start? Well, I got that feelin' some thing fierce this morning! It reminded me of this Mini Goal Chalkboard my Cute Hubby found last week. Cool right? Check out Mary Kate McDevitt's chalkboards. So one thing at a time, it sure beats staring blankly at a messy studio, right?

I will start with the floors, now where is that broom?

Monday, July 13, 2009


daylily, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

Have a great day!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Craft Super Show

Oh, how I wish I could go to the Craft Super Show! Wow, Vickie Howell, The Crafty Chica, and Etsy CEO Maria Thomas just to mention a few, crafty celebrities that will be there! Just think about it, the cute hubby takes the kids to Disney World while you go to craft heaven! That would be sweet!


Since I started working on the apron pattern back in February I decided I might need some inspiration for the pocket and finishing touches, just look at what I found! To die for!

update on apron

Work in Progress, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

What-cha think? I am loving the silhouette, it looks funny across the chest because of June odd proportions but on a real woman I think it should be fine. It looked great on my fit models, Beth and Ono. I am not sure where I am going with the trim, I thought I knew but now I am not so sure. I play around a bit!

Leave me a link in the comment section so I can see what you are working on! Be creative today, ok? ok!

new apron in the works

new apron in the works, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

Earlier this week I needed to write a Business Bibliography for Modern June, in which I waxed poetic about my background, my apron ideology and my passion for retro aprons. After doing this project I realized that Modern June is much more than that, but in the same breath I miss that part of the biz. Again, I ask where are the aprons? Where is the cotton? I long for cotton, Modern June needs some cotton. Did I mention cotton?

So, this morning (in the wee hours of the morning) I am up and finishing a pattern, cutting it out and sewing it up! Photos later, I promise!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

What'a Week

Wow, what a week it has been! I haven't been blogging cuz I have been working and playing crazy-hard! A wonderful opportunity may have dropped in my lap last week, a chance to show in a massive handmade trade show. It was great - and massively stressful - just to do the application. I took it as a chance to tighten up the Modern June Line Sheet, create a Holiday Line Sheet and to start a press kit. I also took a few days to fine tune my accounts. It was an insane few days of computer work but it is good to have all this in the works, it makes it easier the next time.
But it wasn't all hard work, we played hard to0. On the Fourth we went to a party where kids of all ages shoot off fireworks for hours and we got some good grown up time too. The next day we enjoyed a locavore meal and bon fire at our BBFF's country home. What made this evening so incredible was the weather, misty and cold, we were all wearing jackets if you can believe it.

Well after a few more days of intense application work, the kids and I had a fun day out. We rounded up a some friends and hit the Movie Land for a free showing of Surf's Up. Afterwards we headed over to the gardens of Maymont. I have a little tip for you, do not wear your super cute red patent leather sling-back platforms to the gardens. Let's just it isn't a pretty sight when you fall into a stream near the waterfall. Not pretty at all! I'm just saying! : )

I then got to end my day with crafty girl date! Deanna, Dawn, Ono, Erin and I met for dinner down town. Popkins Tavern makes a mean hamburger! It was great to catch up with everyone, we laughed out crafty butts off! Me thinks that needs to be a monthly gathering!

Well, I can honestly say that I am exhausted! My goal for the day is to stay in my jammies as long as I possibly can! Wish me luck!

Friday, July 3, 2009

scary snackin'

Yesterday I knew that Dear Son needed some mommy time so I offered to carve another watermelon with/for him. The tools are not kid friendly so I let him art direct me. First thing we did was to head over to for inspiration. Since I bought a personal sized melon he opted for the Jack-O-Melon. I really think this would be a great snack for play date and pot lucks! Fun and healthy!

I started by cutting the melon like I would a pumpkin. I used the fun and very sharp v-shaped knife thing-a-ma-bop, no clue why I have that but hey I am glad about it now!

Then DS hollowed it out and we ate our snack while we worked!

DS used a dry erase marker to draw the eyes on.
Then I cut them out using a simple stake knife.

Then we drilled a hole and used the eye piece as ears.
I did some extra carving on the ears with the lemon zester.

Again with the lemon zester I created eyebrows and scared up nose!

Lastly, we loaded up the melon monster/dragon and lit her up!
The kids really enjoyed the smoke that poured out his eyes and mouth
after the candle were blown out.

Hmm... what if we filled it up with dry ice? Interesting!

Total time 20 minutes!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

apron day

apron day, originally uploaded by ModernJune.

When did Modern June go from being an apron company to an oilcloth company? I guess it was a slow and steady progression, but we still make loads of aprons. Today will be my day to photograph the lonely aprons that hang on the rack waiting for a good hard working home to go to!

Here is one of my favorite vintage aprons, it reminds me the crazy quilt that my Grr sent to me for Christmas after college. My Grr always wore her apron and today I start wearing them again too. What a bad example I have set for you all! Go and put on an apron and get in touch with your inner Modern June.

xoxox! Kelly