Wednesday, July 29, 2009
almost ready!

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Modern June Oilcloth Swacthes
Friday, July 24, 2009
list mania
There is only 6 days until we leave for the big BMAC show so it's all about the list or shall I say lists! Because one list is not enough I now have five lists going! One list with 5 columns wasn't working and mini lists were only getting me through the hour work (not a bad thing) so printed off a check list from the web and life is better now. I have a to make list, a to do list, to purchase list, a to take to philly list, and a to print list. The great thing about all these lists is that when you only look at one it actually seems doable!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
what the neighbors must think...
Because our house sits at ground level, you can see straight into the house - all the way through to the dining room. In the dining room June stands sentinel. I often wonder what the neighbors must think. I can hear them now..."that's the house with the freakishly tall white woman with no arms and a big head!"
cool oilcloth item

Monday, July 20, 2009
to market, to market!

Today, the four of us Richmond Etsy Street Teamers that are going to the wholesale market in Philly, met up for a meeting. We did our paperwork and made our plans for the upcoming Buyers Market. During the meeting we chatted about layout we have a nice large corner booth, booth # 1218. After looking over the floor plan I realized just how hugh this show is. Check out these photos of past shows at Wendy Rosen's photo page. Isn't that really amazing. I really am excited.
I'm one lucky woman!
Hey, look at what I just got in the mail today, a tiny little package with my name on it. I was very curious, I have not enjoyed any retail therapy in ages, well... not online anyway. Inside I found this sweet necklace from Etsy seller, Steam Trunk Studio attached was a card that says, "your husband loves you!"
Thank you sweetheart, I love you too!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
SALE on all Oilcloth Tablecloths

Saturday, July 18, 2009
my thinking place
Friday, July 17, 2009
Trade Show Prep - Signage
Trade Show Prep - Apron Display

I am looking for something like this but with shoulders.

Thursday, July 16, 2009
another new apron
You know me, I've got loads of tricks up my sleeve. This is another of the new apron patterns that I developed last winter, no wait, I designed this one in the winter of 2008. I knew it was there waiting for just the right time, a time when I would need something fresh and exciting to showcase. It's off to Philadelphia Buyers Market for this bad girl!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
15 minute Farmers Market
I promised the kids I would not dilly-dally at yesterdays farmers market and I aim to please! Even though the place was packed with my crafty peeps I kept my promise!
So far I have enjoyed a wonderful BLT and the most wonderful open faced tomato sammie. Whole-Wheat Toast, tomato, cheese and oregano broiled to golden goodness!
Tonight we are having sautéed squash from our garden and tomorrow we grill eggplant and fresh corn! Then we will make salsa with Amy's salsa basket ingredients. How fun!
I LOVE summer!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Buyers Market!

I just received some terrific news! Modern June and some other members of The Richmond Etsy Street Team are going to be showing their wholesale lines at the Buyers Market of American Craft! This is the big time peeps. WOW! I am pretty nervous but totally excited! My very first Wholesale Market!
Mini Goals

Do you know that dreadful feeling of "now what do I do"? There are so very many things I need today (that I need to do right this minute) but where do i start? Well, I got that feelin' some thing fierce this morning! It reminded me of this Mini Goal Chalkboard my Cute Hubby found last week. Cool right? Check out Mary Kate McDevitt's chalkboards. So one thing at a time, it sure beats staring blankly at a messy studio, right?
I will start with the floors, now where is that broom?
Monday, July 13, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Craft Super Show

update on apron
new apron in the works
Earlier this week I needed to write a Business Bibliography for Modern June, in which I waxed poetic about my background, my apron ideology and my passion for retro aprons. After doing this project I realized that Modern June is much more than that, but in the same breath I miss that part of the biz. Again, I ask where are the aprons? Where is the cotton? I long for cotton, Modern June needs some cotton. Did I mention cotton?
So, this morning (in the wee hours of the morning) I am up and finishing a pattern, cutting it out and sewing it up! Photos later, I promise!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
What'a Week

Friday, July 3, 2009
scary snackin'

Yesterday I knew that Dear Son needed some mommy time so I offered to carve another watermelon with/for him. The tools are not kid friendly so I let him art direct me. First thing we did was to head over to Watermelon.org for inspiration. Since I bought a personal sized melon he opted for the Jack-O-Melon. I really think this would be a great snack for play date and pot lucks! Fun and healthy!

Thursday, July 2, 2009
apron day
When did Modern June go from being an apron company to an oilcloth company? I guess it was a slow and steady progression, but we still make loads of aprons. Today will be my day to photograph the lonely aprons that hang on the rack waiting for a good hard working home to go to!
Here is one of my favorite vintage aprons, it reminds me the crazy quilt that my Grr sent to me for Christmas after college. My Grr always wore her apron and today I start wearing them again too. What a bad example I have set for you all! Go and put on an apron and get in touch with your inner Modern June.
xoxox! Kelly